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which tumors cause Pancoast tumor ? - xako22
I am not clear which tumors cause Pancoast tumor, some sources say Adenocarcinoma bc it is peripherally located, some sources say Squamous cell carcinoma, UW said apical bronchogenic carcinoma... which one would be qualified to this?

can u pls clear this?

thanks Smile
PANCOAST TUMOR Superior sulcus/OR thoracic inlet is compilation extension APICAL LUNG CANCER it is USUALLY SCC. However ANY HISTOLOGICAL type of bronchogenic carcinoma -> can produce “SYNDROME”/Pancoast’s.
Are u clear btw syndrome & tumor ?
syndrome would call hen u have sympathetic dysfunction and brachial plexus invasion and pancoast tumor will be only when there is a tumor whit out these symptoms... right?

thanks so much Cardio, but squamous cell cancers are usually central? I guess that is what confused me the most... and Adenocarcinoma was making more sense to me since its usually peripherally located...
I’m sure u heard of pal radiologist Henry Pancoast in yr MS days. PE pain/weakness/or numbness in shoulder &/or inner aspect of arm ( as u note involvement of lower trunk of brachial plexus MC C8 synd or if u recall from ur FA on named thoracic outlet synd) u name SYNDROME you can with SCC/adenocarcinoma or even infection process can cause syndrome

Pancoast tumor or superior sulcus tumor in APEX of lung or whatever u wants to call it lets make it easy lets called CARCINOMA. Sad part time presentation then u need to stage it III or II (usually located @ extreme apex and as u destruction superior C ganglion also u recall also can present pic Horner synd) so, and invade adjacent structures u see syndrome I just describe. For step 1 just know the Carcinoma that occur in APEX of lung that C plexus effect and if you show with mass in MRI/CT on apex or gross u can figure out what q point at.

Thanks Cardio, I appreciate ur explanation, helpful indeed Smile))
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