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only applicant interviewing on my interview day - psycho14
Whoops, posted this in the wrong spot before:

I just found out that I will be the only applicant interviewing for an entire day. Is this normal? The coordinator said they had 4-5 candidates on some other days and that seemed very "full" for them. I read that last year they only interviewed 22 people TOTAL for 4 spots. Does this mean my odds are pretty good?
Which specialty ?
ya, the odds are good.
psychiatry. The program just added MDs this year, so maybe not as many people applied to this program. They may also interview more, that was only for last year on freida online. I just remember usually seeing programs interview at least 10 applicants per spot.
Good.... More food for you, and you wiping be forgotten, Good luck !
its not unusual to be interviewed alone though its not a very common practice. I had one in IM and one in Pediatrics this yr
its not unusual but not common as someone else mentioned. Keep in mind, the programs are smart...they have years of experience interviewing (as long as its not a new program) and they know by now how many they need to interview approximately to not go unfilled. So if they are only interviewing 22 people for 4 positions, then history for them must show that they match all 4 positions well within 22 people (theyll always add extra people to play it safe) so...there may be less competition but the competition may be very strong and the program may be a really good program that everyone ranks high. Does it look good for you? yes. is it a gaurantee? no. hopefully you WILL match though....just dont get too excited because unfortunately ive experienced that the last 2 years...feeling like i nailed it there was no way i wouldnt match and ending up unmatched. so always hope for the best prepare for the worst. GL!
Thank you all for the replies! This is in my hometown so I'm really hoping it goes well. I should try not to read into it too much I guess. Thanks!
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