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Q@Q time ① - cardio69
A 57 y/o F with complaints of progressively worsening bilateral knee pain for the past few months. She reports having morning stiffness, which lasts for about 10-15 minutes. Her knees are tender to touch and range of motion is limited. Pat weight 229Ibs/ 103.8kg & height 5.5 inch respectively. She has a history of HTN and hypercholesterolemia for which she takes hydrochlorothiazide and atorvastatin respectively. On PE vital reveals Temp: 36.6 BP: 140/86 mmHg, PR: 78/min; and Temperature: 36.6 C/97.9F. ESR norm range.
What you will find in x-ray findings of her knee joint?

a) Punched out erosions with a rim of cortical bone
b) Narrowing of joint space and osteophyte formation
c) Narrowing of joint space and juxta articular erosions
d) Normal joint space with soft tissue swelling
e) Marginal bony erosions and irregular joint destruction

a: gout
b: osteoarthritis
c: rheumatoid arthritis
d: septic arthritis
e: psoaritic arthritis

"B" fits best.
Pt has osteoarthritis, also been overweight predispose her for osteoarthritis so i will go with b
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