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Need Explanations to NBME 19! Help Please.... - blessedalways
Hello Everyone,

Please I need someone to help with providing explanations to the answers to these questions! Thanks.

1) A 5-year-old boy is brought to the physician because of pain in the right eye at night for the past week. There is no family history of neoplasia. Examination shows strabismus and tenderness in the eye. The left eye is normal. Examination of the retina shows the presence of a mass. The physician explains to the parents that the boy is unlikely to develop any other neoplasms. The first mutation leading to this neoplasm most likely occurred in which of the following?

A) Germ cells
B) Retinal cells
C) Somatic cells of the child
D) Somatic cells of the parents
E) Zygote

2) An 18-year-old woman comes to the physician to request screening for colon cancer. Her father and grandfather died of colon cancer at the ages of 36 and 45 years, respectively. Physical examination shows no abnormalities. Colonoscopy shows approximately 200 lesions throughout the colon. A colectomy is done, and a section of the colon removed is shown in the photograph. Which of the following is the chance that this patient's offspring will eventually develop adenocarcinoma of the colon?

A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 100%

3) A 27-year-old woman has an episode of pneumococcal pneumonia that is treated with penicillin. After 2 days of therapy, she is afebrile and has improved pulmonary function. Four days later, she becomes jaundiced and has anemia characterized by an increased reticulocyte count and an increased serum unconjugated bilirubin concentration. Which of the following tests most likely explain her present findings?

A) Direct antiglobulin (Coombs) test
B) Serum antinuclear antibody assay
C) Serum ferritin measurement
D) Serum lactate dehydrogenase assay
E) Urinary protoporphyrin measurement

4) A 30- year-old woman undergoes a cervical biopsy because of a Pap smear showing a high-grade intraepithelial lesion. Which of the following locations of the neoplastic cells in the tissue sample is most consistent with in situ cervical carcinoma?

A) In the cervical stroma
B) In the cervical venules
C) In the iliac lymph nodes
D) In the myometrium
E) Superficial to the basement membrane

5) A 35- year-old man comes to the physician to discuss donating a kidney to his 39-year-old sister who has type 1 diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure. He has no history pf major medical illness, and physical examination shows no abnormalities. Which of the following best decribes the likelihood that this donor's human leukocyte antigen tyoe will match that of his sister?

A) 1.1
B) 1.2
C) 1.4
D) 1.6
E) 1.8

6) A 23-year-old woman comes to the student health center because of a 2-week history of a vaginal sore. She has been sexually active with a new partner, and they use condoms inconsistently. Pelvic examination shows a nontender ulcer on the vulva. Dark-field examination of scraping of the lesion is positive for spirochetes. Which of the following histologic changes is most likely to b seen on a biopsy specimen of this lesion?

A) Acute inflammation with abscess formation
B) Granulomas with caseation and plasma cell infiltration
C) Granulomas with suppuration
D) Obliterative endarteritis with lymphocytes and plasma cells
E) Pyogranulomatous inflammation with edema

7) A 17-year -old boy is brought to the emergency department on a hot summer day after he collapses while working as a traffic controller for a road construction crew. When he was 4 years old, he was treated with numerous skin grafts after sustaining full-thickness burns involving 30% of his body surface area. Examination shows hyperthermia. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this occurence?

A) The burn scars and skin grafts lack eccrine glands, limiting his ability to sweat
B) Central thermoregulation is inadequate
C) Injured skin is more likely to release endogenous pyrogens increasing core temperature
D) Skin grafts and scars are more sensitive to heat and sun light

8) A 60-year- old man with a 20-year history of hypertension comes to the physician because of shortness of breath and fatigue for 3 months. The shortness of breath is exacerbated by climbing stairs. His pulse is 80?min, and blood pressure is 100/70 mm Hg. Physical examination shows peripheral cyanosis. Crackles are heard bilaterally on auscultation of the findings in this patient?

Cardiac Output CVP

A) Decreased decreased
B) Decreased increased
C) Decreased no change
D) Increased decreased
E) Increased increased
F) Increased no change
G) No change decreased
H) No change increased
I) No change no change

9) A healthy 23- year-old woman engages in strenuous aerobic exercise for 30 minutes. Which of the following best describes the total cross-sectional area of the pulmonary microcirculation in this woman during exercise?

A) Decreased, as a result of increased carbon dioxide levels in blood
B) Decreased , in proportion to the increased resisitance
C) Increased, as a result of distension and recruitment of microvessels
D) Increased, as a result of myogenic reflexes
E) Unchanged

10) During an experiment, an isolated skeletal muscle is placed in a bath with a high concentration of glucose for 2 hours. The muscle is then contracted with electrical stimulation. An intracellular decrease in which of the following most likely indicates the onset of muscle fatigue?

B) Inorganic phosphate
C) Inosine monophosphate
D) Lactate
E) pH

11) A 13-year- old girl grew 7.5 cm (3in) over the summer. Which of the following most likely accounts for increased intestinal absorption of calcium during this period?

A) Calcitonin-mediated hypercalcemia
B) Calcium-binding proteins in goblet cells
C) Cortisol-induced transcription of calcium transporters
D) Cyclic AMP generated in the enterocytes in response to parathyroid hormone
E) Hormones derived from 7-dehydrocholestrol

12) A 40-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 1-month history of increasing malaise, nausea, and abdominal pain and a 1-week history of light-colored stools. Abdominal examination shows tenderness of the right upper quadrant. Laboratory studies show:

Leukocyte count
Bilirubin, total 4 mg/dL

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