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About AAFP conference @jungle001 - silvertruck
It helps for some. It's your attitude. If you act like your an IMG feeling sorry for yourself, don't go.
a lot of US IMGs match into family. Check the programs. It's your choice to spend the money.
I attended the conference last year.

Because it was my second time applying I wanted to do everything that was in my control. Meeting programs was one of the things I could control.
Does the conference helps? Definitely!!
Its one place where majority of all Family Med programs will be.
It is worth the money. You have invested for med school, and will be investing money on application. This is another investment.
You have the opportunity to talk with them, ask questions, network, know whats their criteria for interview.
Ex- I have an extra attempt on one of my exam.
After saying Hi to the 1st person of the program, next question I asked Do you consider applicants with an extra attempt on the steps? If yes I stayed and asked more questions, socialized for bit, if they said no I said thank you and moved on. They give you a booklet with names of all the program. In this book I made notes about which program I would apply to and which were a No.

Knowing what type of candidate they will be interviewing will save you MONEY!!
Plus when you research programs, website states they take IMGs, some dont have pics of residents. Here you can ask the residents how many IMGs they have. I met programs that stated they take IMGs, during the conversation I asked them how many IMGs they have? Ans: well not any right now but we had IMGs who graduated. No point of applying to this program be smart.

There are so many programs there, you wont be able to meet them all. I tried to meet as many as possible. Lunch? I ate lunch after I was done when everyone had finished. They were out of everything, they do bring more stuff. So you will not be hungry.

Yes some programs are arrogant rude, they wont even look at you when they find out you are an IMGs. Its alright, water off the back. You are there on a mission. Even if you get one IV that is success. I applied to all the program that said yes(many will say Yes bcz its easier to tell someone yes). I did not receive IV from them all, I did receive good amount from programs I met there.

I only interacted with few students their. They both matched. Guy matched with a program that he connected at the conference.

I know 4 people who are USIMG/FMG that didn't match even after the conference. They all had 2 or 3 FM Lor's and didn't need visas. They said to stick to usual IMG friendly hospitals and requirements you find manually through FRIEDA and by each state and then go to the program website. It's listed on each website for a reason and not some magic guarantee. If it's not, slim chances and reasons for programs to list it. This year, many new medical schools from DO/MD will be applying to these programs and who knows what will happen after the new MD/DO merger. The theme from one family doctor PD for this year is to continue focus on gathering more American MD/DO students.
Ok thx for the help
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