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stool impaction and urinary incontinence... - resi_hopeful
Stool impaction is a common cause of urinary incontinence. The etiology is unknown. The combination of fecal and urinary incontinence in this patient suggests this as the etiology. An aggressive bowel regimen should relieve both types of incontinence.
B is not correct. 5% chose this.
A urology consultation is not needed because the patient's symptoms should be relieved once her constipation is relieved.
C is not correct. 34% chose this.
Anticholinergic agents may certainly be contributing to her clinical symptoms, since they can lead to urinary retention, overflow incontinence, delirium, and constipation. Therefore, it is a good idea to minimize these medications. Nonetheless, her incontinence will respond most completely to treatment of her fecal impaction. It would also be wise to avoid narcotics because these can contribute to the underlying constipation.
D is not correct. 9% chose this.
Kegel exercises are the first-line treatment for stress incontinence, which is brought on by laughing or straining. It results from pelvic floor relaxation and weakened urethral support muscles.
E is not correct. 8% chose this.
Urinary tract infections are a common cause of urinary incontinence. However, this patient is not experiencing any of the symptoms of an infection such as dysuria, urinary frequency, or urinary urgency.
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