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good for those whos exam is near - rizowana
18)Clubbing description: choices bronchiectasis, asthma clubbing is seen in bronchiectasis

Q1) Cystic fibrosis heterozygous frequency?
Q2) Chemotherapy heart failure “ left heart/right
heart/myocardial fibrosis? Maybe Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) FA p.330 or Daunorubicin . But have no idea what is the mechanism
Q3) Stimulants and inhibitors of pancreatic secretions:
exocrine and endocrine.
Exocrine- Stimulants : CCK , Secretin , parasympathetics,
Inhibitors: None
Insulin Stimulants : Glucose , Amino Acid , GIP , Glucagon,
Insulin Inhibitors : Somatostatin , Sympathetics (Alpha)
Glucagon Stimulants : Amino acid,
Glucagon Inhibitors : Insulin , Somatostatin

Q4) Cellular barrier between gall bladder cavity and
wall™s epithelial cells. is maybe asking for Tight junction. Tight junction must be there to protect the internal celluar structures from nasty bile
Q5) Embryology neural tube formation, cellular dna
fragmentation indicates? Apoptosis ?
Q6) War veteran describing killing business like “ defence mech?

Q7) Trigeminal nerve nucleus identification in medulla ct cross section.( you can just say verbally where its located)
Q8) Efferent renal constriction: effects on GFR &
Filtration fraction. GFR & FF both increases
Q9)Premature birth, surfactant and steroid therapy fails due to surface tension increase/decrease etc.
Q10) Barret esophageal cancer type? Adenocarcinoma , since barrett's is Metaplasia full of intesinal cells
Q11)GERD cuz of secretions from which type of gastric
cells? BRS Physiology(p.223) says that the relaxaton of lower esophageal sphincter is vagally mediated , and the neurotransmitter is VIP.
Or, maybe GERD could be due to gastric acid therefore , parietal cell could be an answer.
Q12) Cholecystectomy patients absorb fat from? Cholecystectomy pt. will still absorbing fat from terminal ileum I think, well ofcourse from small intestine cholecystectomy has nothing to do with the site of absorbtion .
the person still produces bile( in liver) just no storage or conecentration of bile.... thats why post op cholecystectomy patients are put on low fat diet
but site of absorbtion remains small intestine (ileum) as usual

Q13)Sputum silver staining for bugs. silver staining reminds me of two bugs,but I am not sure : Pneumocysyis carinii , Legionella pneumoniae.
But silver staining of PCP is done on pt.'s Bronchoalveolar lavage , I guess.
Q14) First thing to say to dad patient brought by 2
daughters who express wish to remain with patient.
Best statement to make to build rapport with patient
playing crossword on encounter. May be Doctor have to ask the pt. whether he wants their daughter in the room while interviewing
Q15) Post break-up with boyfriend, mother of patient finds synthroid tablets in nursing student daughter™s belongings. Doc™s response to patient? synthyroid is Thyroid hormone I guess, but not sure if it is T3 or T4. the pt. may be planning on weight loss because boyfriend hated her obesity .
q16)Fragile X family, parents concern regarding testing of ?normal 14-year daughter™s genome for similar problems.
Q 17) Girl child dumps classes since uncle™s death, and mother finds it helpful for daughter to be around home. Intervention required? Family therapy/psychotherapyetc.
Q18) Porphyrias: like the back of ur hands.
q19) Carbon tetrachloride: how it affects liver. CCl4 - The liver converts CCl4 to a CCl3 free radical , which damages the liver (fulminant hepatitis , fatty change) from Goljan's STARS pathology review p.93

Acyclovir mechanism of action. inhibhits DNA viral poymerase and phosphorylated by viral thymidine kinase
Q20) Hernia above n lateral to pubis. Hernia above the inguinal lig. is Inguinal hernia , and below the lig. is femoral hernia. So it could be both Indirect and direct inguinal hernia since it doesn't say anything about hernia's relation to inf. epigastric vessels.
Q21)Hydatidiform mole: learn how to interpret genotypes of moles.
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