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img pathology applicants - pathdoc
Hey supor, congrats on your step one, that's outstanding. Your credentials overall are great, you should be fine. My experience with path programs and the match is very limited, because I transfered from medicine to path in a large university program. I only interviewed here. I do have plenty of experience from when I applied to medicine and interviewed in 20+ programs, and from what I gather things work just the same for path. As a foreign grad, three things are key: USMLE scores, US clin experience/recommendations, and the interview itself. Extra stuff (such as you PhD, pubs etc) will certainly help but are not as essential. When a specialty becomes popular among US grads, program will give preference to them. If the supply of at least average US applicants is enough to fill all the program's spots, they will usually not interview foreign grads. For this reason, getting a position at a more prestigious institution becomes very difficult. Nowadays, this is the case with pathology. So here's my advice: apply to as many programs as you can, selecting all regions and programs you find acceptable. I'd apply to most community hospitals and smaller academic centers. For larger, more competitive programs, I'd check if historically they've been accepting foreign grads (you may check their website - resident profiles), and apply if they take fmg's or if you have contacts there. Applying to a few big name programs doesn't hurt, but just don't bet all your money on those. For the smaller academic centers and community programs, it's still quite doable to get a good position in path, especially with your credentials. Make sure you pace yourself to get step 2 and 3 done in time for the H1b visa if you're interested in that. Well... visa is a whole new discussion.
Congrats again and good luck
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