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any one took cs with scarf covering their head - goljan5
I am wondering why people always try to let other people down on a religious basis, if she thinks her religion is beautiful and peaceful, let her do that and leave your own ideas and opinion with you. I am a christian and my husband is moslem, but we never raise this topic in our family, and I have never ever been forced to change my religion and no rules and regulations have been set for me., at the same time for some reason we never discuss radicalism in christianity on this forum though one exists, and more violent than one can imagine. But we never bring this subject to this forum, also we never touch the subject of some other cultures and traditions like harakiri being so widely practiced in Japanese society. But some people always jump on some other groups of people who ask particular types of questions. And we all know what these questions about. I personally feel very dissapointed.
HI uterus
YOu are probably living in a beautiful idealistic world cocconed away from reality.How great it would have been if humanity was as good as you have imagined and living in.Read about other people lives who have been forced to change religion just bcos they are married to a muslim and read about honour killings, read about apostates who have been killed just bcos they have chosen to move away from the so called peaceful religion.But I am afraid you are far from truth-you have not experienced outside world-I have lived in a muslim country all my life and I had seen how muslims discriminate minorities-how they systematically decimate them,how they deny even basic rights to them .The same people expect special benefits while living in other countries--this is hypocrisy at its worst.
I accept that all religions have religious zealots but one religion far exceeds than others.
humanfirst, can I ask you what country are you from?
Hi Uterus
why do you want to know my country?I am an apostate of Islam and according to the peaceful religion I deserve to die-there are millions of followers of this so called peaceful religion who would not blink to kill me for promise of heaven and virgins in heaven.
if you know any thing about outside world,just search about minorities in Muslim nations you will get the true picture.Read about honour killings,read this book called Princess and then know the reality.
I must say you are incredibly lucky if your husbands family has accepted you and you are not experiencing any problems-YOur husband may not be a true muslim bcos true muslims consider others as kafirs and impure -

why don't you tell me what country are you from? Coz I lived in many countries of Middle East and I am aware of how is a life of all those real true christians in that region.
If you're talking about Saudis, I simply close the subject, but if it's any other country, you as being not a christian can't give a real reflection of christian reality there, I can tell you how I was being accepted, and how many christians neighbors had their own holidays, traditions, how widely they celebrate Easter and other religious holidays and go to the churchES, and how their house is widely open for muslims and the other way around, how kids no matter muslims or christians play together on the street,

BTW, my husband is a TRUE arabian muslim.
HI Uterus
Again why should it bother you which country I am from?As long as you open your eyes to reality how does it matter?If I am from Mars and telling you the facts does it change anything or will the facts be less true just bcos I dont belong to one particular county
I am not from Saudi arabia but you asked me to forget it if I am from Saudi-why should I?
It is the birth place of Islam and if Islam is a peaceful religion then tolerance would have emanated from there.But it is the most hostile place for non muslim on earth.If the founder of religion has preaced peace,tolerance,ability to accept other religions then we could have expected SA to be peaceful tolerant region-but unfortunately he did not
Take a look at 2 countries-both have been born at the same time-both belong to the same race-I am talking of India and Pak-Both got liberated from the clutches of British at the same time and look at the progress India is making-she is on the verge of being super power-her economy is thriving-what happened to Pak-it is a failed state with so many factions-religious intolerance and on the verge of breaking point.When Pak got independence Hindus were a sizable minority-now they form less than 1% of pak population-why-bcos they have been forced to convert-death threats,abduction,denial of human rights-I can go on and on.
What is responisble for all this-the Intolerance of religion which Pakistanis adher to-
The progress of west and their contribution to science and technology is bcos they have separted religion from state-as long as people cling to a 7th century ideology with no respect for other religions and other civilisations their progress will be retarded.That is why Muslim countries are at the bottom of ladder bcos they need to stop 5 times a day to pray-fast 40 days a year,make a compulsory piligrimage,blow their own trumpet that it is the most peaceful and perfect religion--having done all this where is the time for creative and scientific thinking?No wonder in the history only 2 muslims have won nobel prize and even they were secularists,While about 150 jews won nobel prizes.
Think over
humanfirst, you seem to twist things over, you started from discrimination, then all the sudden you switched to the scientific achievement, all this has nothing to do with your attitude toward human being, a person who just asked a simple question. She didn't ask your opinion on which religion good or bad, don't you think that you are very discriminative by nature, and trying to bring negativism in other people' eyes, yes there are people who may support you right now, but what you've just wrote doesn't add you points or make you look good in front of many other people. The statistics you brought clearly shows the predominance of one religion over another. So 150 jews won nobel prizes (for what they are so loved by the entire world lol), 2 muslims made some negligible contribution, what about the major rest of the world???????? Your statistics is distorted for some reason, don't you think so?
So again, you didn't tell what muslim country are you from because you know I can discuss this issue with you and I already told you about the huge christian society in Middle East, if they hear you now, they would be laughing at you, and you know I can bring real facts to you of all those christians who successfully run businesses in the muslim world. But see how you switch things, you opposes whatever I am telling you, and trying to kneel other nation down. I believe all this has its own reason, and humanfirst, I am going to tell you are not only one in this world, there are lots like you, who are trying by any means to do their "best" job in the world,
This is very sad......
lol humanfirst:the only contribuation u have for this forum is to hit islam faith when u see someone asking simple question,have some respect to ur family if u truly were muslim.
dont respect anyone but at least respect ur parents ,thx

as you said Muslim countries are at the bottom of ladder, take a look, this is one of many examples, yes these people pray 5 times a day, fast 40 days a year, and have a time for creative thinking. I can give thousands of other examples like this.
humanfirst and superdoc are two people who always spit bitterness against Islam. Its better that both of you keep your logics to your self and let this world be a peaceful place.
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