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Protecting Rights of Citizens and GC holder's. - dochoney
To Virtuoso_pianist... I think you should change your name to virtuoso_psychic ha ha ha. Again you should get your facts right. I am not trying to get into the system cos I am in the system already. So there!
...About proved and proven. I read my post after posting it and did not bother to change it. Why should I go back and change one word. Ihad other things to do. I got my point across and I managed to ruffle your feathers in the process. It will certainly go on, cos if people keep quiet and suffer in silence nobody will know there is a problem. I'm sure whatever country you are from the citizens of your country would not just sit down and see jobs taken away from them and think it's ok. They wil definitely do something to arrest or reverse that situation.
I ask of you to go through every post in this forum and make corrections. Post the corrections you make that should fill up a good part of your days.
We are going to be very strong, stay together for our this country we need to study and work for support our family and this we need to show the other country the priority is studying..Is the reason
Again, you miss the point. The discsuuion is not about the clinical abilities and how it should be viewed and all that kind of stuff. It is about citizen having a priority over visa needing would be doctors in bad economic situations and enforcemnet of the immigration law. Illegals work in the united states and one can argue the ecinomic reason but by the same token I would argue that for legal reasons they should go back. It is about the enforcement of the national immigration law. If it is enforced in the case of medical residencies, then you will see more citizens getting into residencies over visa needing IMGs who want to leave their own nations to get more money in united states. Visa requiring IMGS want to come to US to make more money and citizen MDs want to have a first crack at residencies by enforcing the law.

The discsussion abot AMERICAN MD or if you have passed from overseas and should be called something else, either way does not change our push to enforce the immigration law thus employing all US MDs. it si about the implementation of the immigration law in severly bad economic situation.
Uhm, thank you so much nubian for thinking about how I use my spare time. I assure you it's time well spent (and it's not from just reading the nasty posts here, believe me).

You are already in the system? Then good for you! You must really have a very relaxed program, to think that you have time to come here. Better hit those books! (At least that's what I think you meant when you said you're already in the system). Otherwise, just having your oh so very precious green card does not make you anything other than a person with green card (but full of insecurities anyway), and in no way puts you in the American medical system, which I was referring to. But you know that alrready.

Oh yeah, as someone pointed out yesterday, the forum was so nice until you guys came out and started ruffling all our feathers because of your "groundbreaking" crusade. I know with your good English, you noted the sarcasm there. Yeah, it seems that it has gone on, coz here you guys are again, (like last year, and probably the year before that.) Where are those people right now anyway? Probably enjoying their green cards. LOL.

Anyway, see you when I see you. It's hard to get the point across to someone as close-minded as you are. I'm just happy I'm not the one who has anything to be insecure about. Better run back to your mommy and tell her the bullies are taking your positions away. Coz the way I see it, and I bet you do too, it's gonna go on for a looong time. Cheers!

Leave only natives in America
Some call them Indians
others first nations

Remember all are immigrants
You are right! We are a nation of immigrants and that is why immigration laws should be enforced. Constitutionally, enforcemnet of immigrations would get all AMERICAN MDs a residency. AMERICAN MD First.
Citizens & GC holders,
The change has come to America!
keeeeeeeep it up guys..........
believe me there must be very few gc and citizen img who go un matched-- because they ARE given preferance--- AND if some do go unmatched it must be because they are good for nothing AND a danger to there patients--- and the patients rights should be above all the people--- period
Citizens & GC holders, ECFMG certified MDs

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