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why so religious ? - duloxetine
It is because they are the best minds in the world, they believe in GOD! Religion is not a myth and God is always there! Believe it or not, he created YOU! I know it is much easier for some to think there is no God cuz it make them feel more free to do whatever they want to do without thinking about the consequences. But in fact simple facts in this life indicate there is GOD, without Him the Equation of our life doesn't make sense. The fact that we search for God is something that was built in us when we were created. Now, you might be the one who need to think again. just because religion is old doesn't mean it is outdated. just because you close your eyes not to see the sun, doesnt mean the sun is not there. just because it is easier without God, doesnt mean there is no God!
i don't believe in God just because some fanatics say you have to. i will not deny the presence of God just because some fanatics (from the other side) say there is no God. i believe in God because i can see and feel that fact in life.
Glad somebody asked, although I expected to find this discussion in the Miscellaneous section.

You won't hear that stuff from me. I'm here as a direct result of the decisions I've made in my life, both good and bad. My chances for residency placement fall at my feet when the day is done. I look to myself for answers. You won't find me praying for anything. IMHO, anything in excess can't be a good thing. Religion just happens to be one of the many things in life people use and abuse in excess. I wish more people would get back to thanking themselves, their families, and their professors/mentors for where they are today. As physicians and members (as well as representatives) of the scientific community, I would expect us to be a little more well grounded. Nothing wrong with having a little faith, but you have to admit, threads here go well beyond just a little faith. The previous post by dremad75, in my opinion, goes a little too far off the deep end. Excess is excess folks. Maybe there should be a CAGE equivalent questionnaire for religiosity.
@ dremad75
now that my friend is cool.
guys have you ever treated a patient you're expecting won't live long and then miraculously he or she recovers from the illness, or ever treated a patient you don't expect to die of his/her illness and passes away, or ever seen a patient who is recovering from an illness and doing well and all of a sudden his/her condition deteriorates and with in minutes they are gone. God works in mysterious ways.

We are truly never in control of our lives God decides the paths that lay in front of us, he gives us choices............ we have to choose our own paths
No. I haven't. Not once. Not ever. I only hear about that stuff on TV. I have had families who are loaded up so full of hope that they object to every decision the physician makes until we bring in someone to declare the patient brain dead. Big headache.
then my friend u need to practice more medicine. and the best way to do that is to get a residency in America and I hope u get that Smile
Not to poke fun, but one might infer from that comment that God gives preferential treatment to American patients and residents. (humor)
ppl who uses and abuses religion are not in fact religious! they are followers and imitators! Religion is to not hanger for us to hang our dirty clothes. God is there because he is there!!! i use the same rationale that you are using! use your mind to think and dont just (LET GO) as some friends are saying here. if you want to use your mind to search for an answer for this question, then do it. and if you want want to do that, then at least don't blame others who did.
@ techgeek, i understand you worked hard and that you think that everything you have reached today is a result of your work and decision. but less think in a different way.... i have a friend who was one of the best in our med school for the first two years and suddenly he started having some bizzare behavior and was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. God forbid, if you are that person, you wouldn't have said the same thing about yourself. the point is: look at these facts in your life and in others life to find that your life equation doesn't make sense without god. we are not the one who we are by our own will! we were created this way but we had the choice to chose between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong and the end result of who you are is the summation of both.
@drkyhasan... thanks friend!
@everybody... i like when physicians talk about something other than medicine and the match!!
sorry .. typo.. at third line... NOT (WANT WANT)... the correct is (DONT WANT)
hope it make more sense now :-)
for one, i really do appreciate this civil discussion; but ofcourse nothing less can be expected of the guys contributing....

i've been reading Francis Collins book The Language of God - A scientist presents evidence for belief... It is a very compelling book, though I am not conversant with the bible; but by the same token, he does take a critical examination of some of the issue that are held up to criticize the concept of God, and also of practices that lend support to such criticism. Halfway through so far, and I find it a very good read. I would recommend it those believers, non believers and agnostics who really want to have an answer to this question.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein
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