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marriage problem - usmle123789
shinerock, aggree with everyword! gal u rock! good luck for your life!!

I was wondering how things are...


hope all is good with you tooSmile
both must not suffer if marraige nt working well.matter of lifetime not a day or two.goodluck
once I knew a man who told me he married to a woman to save his dad from going to jail, to get financial help from her family, and get help in life in general...they have been married for almost 10 years now. He still says that he married her not for love but to elevate his status socially. He also got in to residency in US because of her. In 10 years he cheated on her badly when he fell in love with another woman although they have two kids. The wife never realized why he married her, kept making babies to save the marriage. He kept his marriage because of his culture, after 10 years, she knows why he married her, he knows he never loved her, she know he never loved her....they are both miserable with two thing though he still wants to use her for fellowship, he says...

does that give you any insight why people mess up their lives...

everybody deserves a love in their lives...every man and woman should fall in love and keep it comes once in life and you need to keep that.

you manipulate people into marriage for something ie visa, money, social will be straying off the marriage soon...sooner or later, even if you keep promising to yourself, you will be straying again or the other will be... the cycle will continue...

now go do a favor to yourself, to wife and your children..get divorce your life with proud of your love...this is the lesson you will be giving to your children when they grow older, not how you kept cheating on their mother...the wife and other woman both will tell your children what happened because it is the was life works...the love is priceless...
Hmmmmm, this thread here is 1.5 years old. I feel many of the people posting here trying to become screen writers for the hallmark channel
There's an old saying: Marry for money and you'll earn every penny.
so he is counting penis, two penis, three penis, four penis...LOL no wonder he loves his penies so much..he can not get enough of itSmile
Hi, shinerock I am in USA for last one year only...but I could not find any gross difference between Indian and American ladis. Both have to take care of family, children and job and if time permits they can spend some extra time to their career or passion. There are often no helping hands in USA and the woman often has to do all household work. Teaching of own children is also a big responsibility.I saw many women to leave job for these reason. It often appears very attractive to live a single life especially in USA , as none is there to poke their long nose in your private life like India but at the end of the day there will be none waiting for you on the bed (as my son do). Any way it is the responsibilities of one which make the biggest difference according to me.

I often think that the life in India was better than the life in USA...but it was me who force my husband to relocate in is a very interesting conflict. Sometimes I think to return back and I know that the life over there will be much superior for us, but for my son USA is the right place to grow up and flourish.
Best of luck for your rest of life..
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