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My chances??? - kart1129
and i am not a nationalist, i am an individualist, i got selected because of my merit, and i paid for my education, it wasnt my nation or my people who were paying for me or giving me merit, idid that on my own, i am gonna go anywhere in the world i feel like because my aim is to ultimately serve people - regardless of their race, so ur people /my people , whites/blacks/browns - i don't discriminate between any, which i guess will be hard for ur puny brain to understand, all u care about is crying, becoz u have remain unmatched becoz of lack of brains/merit......
Let yr passport and pigmented epidermis do the talking as frankly that is enough for all the decent places to say adios 3rd world trash go back and serve yr own ppl or u just too scared and ashamed to do that.

I know our paths won't cross sadly as the places I and other amgs I/v at would rather close than admit lazy brown foreign trash Smile
hahahaha..... i can smell incompetence in ur words, infact its pretty apparent, i'll definitely post here which university i get matched into - which'll be nothing less than cleveland / alabama/ pittsburgh ....... lets see whr u match at dimwit
Dude they are trash places clearly u ain't got enough neuronal activity and far too many melanocytes to end up at stanford or brigham or ucsf which is where I am applying to.

Alabama hahaha u for real no AMG worth his soul even applies to that cess pit but given yr origin u would fit in there perfectly.
lets see where we match dude...... that'll truly be the end of this conversation.....
Dude we ain't even applying to the same places...the programs I and other AMGS apply trash like u don't even bother wasting yr eras money on but I guess u pretty stupid so maybe u do haha
u know u can apply to any places u want , not as if u are gonna get into those places or even get calls from them .... dream on, thts the best u can do with ur puny little brain...... i'll get into the place i deserve to go in, and so will u ........ so now shut ur trap, and go on with ur studies, final year amg, or u wont be able to pass ur ck to be able to apply anywhere.......
Dude there are reasons why eras has filters and that is so the pc doesn't have to waste time reading the generic trash u and yr brown brothers with yr dodgy passports and fake degrees pump out yr after yr - u'll be lucky if they even waste time sending u rejection mails haha
no offence berserker but if you have such a holistic approach to humanity and pt. care etc why not go and work somewhere that is really short of doctors like Africa perhaps or say India, shock horror I know the thought of an Indian grad actually working in India doesnt appear to register as being remotely compatible.

End of the day you arent interested in taking training back to your own country so why not just be honest and say 'wanton greed' and $$$ are the reasons I want to be in the US and I couldnt give a rats ass about your countrymen back home without access to medical care. Then maybe people would take your motives more seriously.

u are a funny guy...... use it in use interviews, if u get any tht is.... and stop bothering about me, i know u are uber-concerned, dont worry dude, i'll match and in a good place, pray to god about ur sorry ass ........ coz u gonna be here on this forum year after year after year, crying out like a little bi*ch for not getting any interview calls...... the pc filters u talk about, it filters out the guys with nth no. of attempts on step1 and ck , in other words guys like u, so i'll say it again , take ur sorry white a$$ and fu*k off
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