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Is it worth for me? -

Congratulations!!! to all who matched and best luck for others.
I need your advice, I am a IMG graduated in 1985, MD in 1989, practiced in my country till 2000, came in US on H1 (have good software knowledge) , and now working in Pharma industry as Clinical trials manager, earning $ 90 per hr (so about 180 K per year). I am married with 2 kids. Do you think it is worth for me to try for USMLE and the resedency? Thanks
jp - jaswinder72

I read ur message.
If i were in ur position - i may not gfor residency.
Man, u r already making that money! what more do u want! ( No offense meant)

VISA is a big issue in Residency.
Can u write to me at my e-mail , maybe we can communicate !
Take care

Take care.

Thanks, I will write to you.

sss: you have a very good paid job now. In point of money, you don't need to. How secure your job is you may need concern. If you have a pretty stable job, I mean you can work for a long term (over 10 years). I think you don't need to go residency direction. Otherwise, ...... As you probably know, the physcian after your residency can work life long till your retirement. I bet it's not easy to find another job like what you have now. I think there are alot of compititive in phar company. I graduated in 1985 too. I have a not bad paid job (definitely less paid than you). However, I am thinking if I still can get a job when I am old ( over 50). So, I am preapring USMLE now.

Hey CDC are you in Pharma too?

SSS; I used to work in phar company. Now I am working in a university hospital as a assistant proferssor for clinical research. But I want to do resident. One of my previous colleage in phar company passed his Step 1,2 and CSA test while he was in company. He now finished his neurology residency and got a $150,000 job plus $50,000 bunus, $50,000 pension yearly. It's definitely worth in my case. In your case, a little bit different.

Thank you all for your advice. Actually job is steady and that is why some thing keep coming in mind, when you have stability you want some variety and when you are unstable you need stability. I will try , if I pass then will decide for resedency. But passing steps is also great satisfaction.
worth to do

I think it wirth to try. sss, making more money is not a issue for you, the point is for personal satisfaction.

I am IMG, graduated in 1987, passed step 1, CSA, working on step2, step3. I quiited job just for preparation, I did not get high pay like you though.

That's right! As I told my friend, You have to follow where your heart is telling you because that is where you will be happy!! Besides, what is $700 for steps if you are making that much! Just try... while you have the opportunity.... because you don't want to end wondering forever thinking what happened if you decided to go that way!

Who knows, the favor will be yours!

tell me how did you get work in the pharmacy industry
I really need to work and I didn't match and I so desperate
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