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Lets put all exam exam experiences together - usmlenew1
added all the questions in one file
thanx too all
thank you all,yelito61,mydream,Grace,goldfish, rockinmle,pongly,shigella,courage,

thank you all,yelito61,mydream,Grace,goldfish, rockinmle,pongly,shigella,courage,

From a great person ..dr Oso
From a great person ..dr Oso
hello friends,
First of all i need to thanks everybody in this forum who helped me and gave me strength to undergo this exams.
Exam was doable as most people said....they were correct.Distribution of Q was also even...but more stressed on patho.,physio,pharmac,behavioral sc. and micro...compared to anat. and biochem.
Exam was very very long..i took break of app.5-7min.after each block..i think that helped me a lot.
Now regarding exams :
ANATOMY : Least tested.....had 3-4Q from histo.and 2-3Qfrom embryo...gross anat.was mostly on upperlimb nerve injuries ,had 3CTSCAN total of neuroanat.and few Q from neuroanat.but i think FA is enough to ans.anat Q
BIOCHEM : Had few Q from pathways...but they were pretty straight need to memorize all big many Q from abnormal diseases like PKU,maple syrup urine dz.ochronosis etc
Got 3 pedigree chart from genetics,1 Q regarding pleiotropy and genetic imprinting
2Q regarding hardy-weindberg equation...but i was not able to figure out ans.of one of them..was little tricky and time was couldn't get the correct ans.i guess
MICRO : Had many many Q from micro.But they were very straight..had few Q combined with micro and patho.
Had 2Q from bacterial genetics also..can't remember exactly what was the Q.but they were straight forward and for micro.i can say that FA is more than enough to ans.
PATHO.AND PHYSIO : Heavily tested...only few Q were straight forward..most were 2 or 3 step and few were very tricky..can narrow down to 2 choices,,but then it was hard to decide which one is correct.Had 2 graphs from renal physio.had 2 acid-base problems,high altitude,respiratory i think i have maximum in my exams.In every block i was getting 2-3 Q from respi.starting with patient having history of smoking since 10,20 or 30 yrs.had lot of Q from that topic.even cardio short all systems were tested in patho and physio.and this two subjects are very important.
BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE : In every block i got appr.3-4 Q on ethics.Even had few Q from stats.but not too much calculations..sensitivity and PPV,NPV etc.had 2Q from defense mechanisms and sleep disturbances also.
PHARMAC : Many many Q from this ...but they were easy and simple..need to memorise all tiny tiny side effects for some Q.Had 2 graphs from pharmaco dynamics regarding potency and efficacy and also from ANS with drug X and norepinephrine etc.Kaplan pharma is very good and u can revise from FA also .But for ANS i suggest FA is not from Kaplan or any other book.
IMMUNO : There were few Q..but i don't remember exactly..had 1-2 Q from IL and complement pathway and CGD etc.Had few Q from molecular biology..but it was not that i expected.They were tricky to answer but then i selected best letter which i like and went ahead..thinking that they might be for assesment and they even won't count that.Hoping for the best coz there was no point in wasting time in that Q as i was poor in that topic and i was not able to figure out the correct ans.or i should say was not able to understand the Q stem itself.
I hope i could tell u all in brief about subject distribution
Regarding material which i used...
Used Kaplan notes 2001 for all subjects and yes was reading goljan for patho.GOLJAN IS GOLD and HY 36 pages of goljan..really worth reading.
Did QBank,Q-book,BSS 45% ONLY,BLACKWELL,usmle cd
my scores in QBank was average 74%,usmle cd-42,37,35 and took NBME-1 3 WEEKS prior to my exams and scored just 430.
I don't know what more to write....i m not very good at writing exam experience but as other people's exam experience has helped me alot..i feel it is necessary to pen down whatever u can .
This forum was a great help to very good freinds from this with whom i used to discuss and they were always there to help me in giving moral support also.
Now waiting for the results..worst was easy to read...but to wait for results is so horrifying.
Thanks to everybody in this forum and thanks for spending ur time to read my exam experience.

hello friends,
First of all i need to thanks everybody in this forum who helped me and gave me strength to undergo this exams.
Exam was doable as most people said....they were correct.Distribution of Q was also even...but more stressed on patho.,physio,pharmac,behavioral sc. and micro...compared to anat. and biochem.
Exam was very very long..i took break of app.5-7min.after each block..i think that helped me a lot.
Now regarding exams :
ANATOMY : Least tested.....had 3-4Q from histo.and 2-3Qfrom embryo...gross anat.was mostly on upperlimb nerve injuries ,had 3CTSCAN total of neuroanat.and few Q from neuroanat.but i think FA is enough to ans.anat Q
BIOCHEM : Had few Q from pathways...but they were pretty straight need to memorize all big many Q from abnormal diseases like PKU,maple syrup urine dz.ochronosis etc
Got 3 pedigree chart from genetics,1 Q regarding pleiotropy and genetic imprinting
2Q regarding hardy-weindberg equation...but i was not able to figure out ans.of one of them..was little tricky and time was couldn't get the correct ans.i guess
MICRO : Had many many Q from micro.But they were very straight..had few Q combined with micro and patho.
Had 2Q from bacterial genetics also..can't remember exactly what was the Q.but they were straight forward and for micro.i can say that FA is more than enough to ans.
PATHO.AND PHYSIO : Heavily tested...only few Q were straight forward..most were 2 or 3 step and few were very tricky..can narrow down to 2 choices,,but then it was hard to decide which one is correct.Had 2 graphs from renal physio.had 2 acid-base problems,high altitude,respiratory i think i have maximum in my exams.In every block i was getting 2-3 Q from respi.starting with patient having history of smoking since 10,20 or 30 yrs.had lot of Q from that topic.even cardio short all systems were tested in patho and physio.and this two subjects are very important.
BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE : In every block i got appr.3-4 Q on ethics.Even had few Q from stats.but not too much calculations..sensitivity and PPV,NPV etc.had 2Q from defense mechanisms and sleep disturbances also.
PHARMAC : Many many Q from this ...but they were easy and simple..need to memorise all tiny tiny side effects for some Q.Had 2 graphs from pharmaco dynamics regarding potency and efficacy and also from ANS with drug X and norepinephrine etc.Kaplan pharma is very good and u can revise from FA also .But for ANS i suggest FA is not from Kaplan or any other book.
IMMUNO : There were few Q..but i don't remember exactly..had 1-2 Q from IL and complement pathway and CGD etc.Had few Q from molecular biology..but it was not that i expected.They were tricky to answer but then i selected best letter which i like and went ahead..thinking that they might be for assesment and they even won't count that.Hoping for the best coz there was no point in wasting time in that Q as i was poor in that topic and i was not able to figure out the correct ans.or i should say was not able to understand the Q stem itself.
I hope i could tell u all in brief about subject distribution
Regarding material which i used...
Used Kaplan notes 2001 for all subjects and yes was reading goljan for patho.GOLJAN IS GOLD and HY 36 pages of goljan..really worth reading.
Did QBank,Q-book,BSS 45% ONLY,BLACKWELL,usmle cd
my scores in QBank was average 74%,usmle cd-42,37,35 and took NBME-1 3 WEEKS prior to my exams and scored just 430.
I don't know what more to write....i m not very good at writing exam experience but as other people's exam experience has helped me alot..i feel it is necessary to pen down whatever u can .
This forum was a great help to very good freinds from this with whom i used to discuss and they were always there to help me in giving moral support also.
Now waiting for the results..worst was easy to read...but to wait for results is so horrifying.
Thanks to everybody in this forum and thanks for spending ur time to read my exam experience.

a great idea to get us focused for 99 score.
god bless,
a great idea to get us focused for 99 score.
god bless,
from duce - 10/06/06 19:33

I just got done taking the test on monday and I feel that USMLEWORLD were more like the style of questions that you saw on the test however USMLEWORLD was so much harder then the step.
USMLErx is a great review because everything that is tested on in USMLErx is on the test just not asked in that format.
Kaplan q bank is going to be your best bet on seeing where you stand because so many people have done this q bank and where you are on on your avg is pretty solid as how you should score on the real exam.
I did the kaplan class and found it helpful.
now the test. (everyone already knows to have breakfast and go in with a goodnight sleep so no need to talk about that)
once I got into to the test I felt really comfortable I got fairly easy first two sections and then I had a hard 3rd section so I took a break. after my break I went in and my 4th and 5th section were actually pretty hard to, took a break in between both of those. kinda worried after that. but the 6th and 7th blocks were pretty easy. when I walked out I thought it was a fairly good test. it was definitely a fair test, there were no trick questions or trick answers.
kinda sad whenever I left, I went through first aid and missed like 14 questions I was sooooooooooo bummed made me really upset. OHHH by the way DO FIRST AID AT LEAST 65% of the questions comes out of the first aid. so definitely look through that.

2 cohort study questions
a confounding bias question
sampling bias question
sensitivity question
attributable risk question
Type 1 error question
Child abuse question
variable ratio question
rRNA is the most abundant question
Exons are expressed question
where on tRNA does the anticodon bind
Restriction enzyme question
a Lac Operon question
Competitive inhibitor question
2 Cell Cycle questions
Golgi is where O-Oligosaccarides are added
microtubule question
Collagen is seen in granulation tissue question
immunohistochemical stain of cytokeratin question
Glycolysis is metabolized in the cytoplasm
NADPH oxidase def. question
citrate regulates glycolysis
rate limiting enzyme in heme synthesis
what enzyme is in gluconeogenesis question
2 G6PD questions
Lactase def. question
cystathione cynthase def question
maple syrup urine disease question
SCID question
where is insulin uptake question
Pompes dx. question
Ketone bodies in DKA
Medium Chain Acetyl CoA question
2 LDL questions
how does lead poisoning affect heme
CO2 transport in blood
Imprinting question
Anticipation question
Hardy Weinberg question
Neurofibromatosis question
2 cystic fibrosis questions (1. what transporter, and what dx can you get)
myotonic dystrophy is trinucleotide repeat
LHON is mitochondrial
Vitamin B6 question
Vitamin B12 question
monopygotic twin question
allantois is median umbilical ligament
Buccinator pushes cheek up against your molars
DAMN question- CN 7 via solitary nucleus (how do I forget that)
Double cervix caused by
Double Uterus caused by
Testes are paraaortic
what artery does testes get blood supply from
viral growth phase chart
Endotoxin questino
Mycobacteria stain
Chlamydia stain
Corynebacteria and EF-2
Haemophilus influenza question
Strep viridans not bile soluble
Salmonella question
a lot of Pseudomonas questions
PAS stain question
Conjugation question
CMV and a MONO question
Genital Warts question
about 9 questions on micro drugs
Thymus site of T cell maturation
where on the antibody structure does the light chain have a disulfide bond ( such a gay question)
IL-1 question
B27 know
Acute rejection question
know minoxidil also give a B-blocker with it
Zero order elimination question
bethanachol question
physostigmine question
2 alpha-1 blocker questions
what drug pheochromocytoma
Erythromyocin cyp inhibitor
Cardiac cycle question
ventricular fibrillation question (EKG)
capillary fluid exchange question (lymph movement)
cause of AAA
Visibility under microscope after MI
Cardiac Tamponade question
Na channel blocker that increases QT
2 Graves dx questions
Papillary thyroid cancer question
Carcinoid syndrome question
Glucocorticoid question
Right hepatic artery supplies what part of liver
Parietal cells secrete HCL
Meckels diverticulum question
Whipples dx. question
Type A gastritis
duodenal ulcer feels better after food
stomach cancer question
colorectal risk factors
Gilberts dx
Hepatocellular carcinoma (cause)
Thalassemia question
Hodgkins reed sternberg
2 warfarin questions
Thrombolytic question
Methotrexate and leucovorin
Bleomycin question
Vincristine and neurotoxicity
ATP release cross bridge
osteocyte in osteomalacia
Gout crystals
Temporal Artertis question
PAN question
Colchicine acute gout

Well you guys are starting to get the hint. there were a lot of tough questions on the test. but I hope I finally got through the test.

about 40% path
20% physio
20% Behavioral
10% micro and immuno
10% Biochem and Molecular

That about covers it, pray for me guys and good luck studying
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