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Anat q- (kap) - armani
A neuro exam of a 35 yo female reveals a normal corneal reflex in her R. eye but no consensual corneal reflex in her L. eye. Which of the following additional findings might be expected? Explain.

A. absence of pupillary light reflex of L. eye
B. Hyperacusis of L. eye
C. Inability to abduct the R. eye
D. Loss of pain/temp of L. face
E. Loss of taste from the ant. 2/3 of tongue
F. Ptosis of L. eye
B.facial nerve in rt eyes is not working.
facial nerve innervates stapedius muscle.the function of which is to dampon the sound waves.
correct eeman !
good stuff, i got this one wrong.. im weak at these questions !
and i apologize for the typo... chose B. reads as hyperacusis of L. EAR***
yeah thats wat i was thinking that i might be wrong but when i gave it a 2nd thot ....i realized it might 've been a typing mistake made by u.
BB is correct,agree, Iwas confused between corneal reflex and light reflex
choice E is also correct.
fibers of facial nerve to ant 2/3rd of tongue is carried in lingual nerve( branch of CN V ).
italso contains preganglionic fibers of CN VII innervation submadibular n salivery gland.
yes amarah u are right.. in the choices it had mentioned loss of taste in R. tongue (thus eliminating it as a choice) good.. very sharp.
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