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To those who have remembered Qs - rehellohie
plz if u ppl email me remembered Qs from exams as i m going to collect them and making an archive and no doubt when enough Qs will be collected that will be shared by everyone in the forum.
this is the only way we can help each other. From step 1 expereience i got few Qs from remebered Qbank and u know how every Qs counts in the exam.
Plz help me and others
my email is

a lot of people are asking for it.. so that everybody would benefit i just posted them.. i dont have all the time to send to everyone.. i need to study too my friends..
ok, good luck to all..
thanks to doc heart who sent this to me..

1)screen: lady 62y/o, normal pap&cholesterol, heart and lungs for years, what to scren for? (mamography)

2)lady menopause, no HRT, back pain, screen for osteoporosis with DEXA/CT/MRI

3)lady menopause, nio HRT, DEXA/ pet scan/ bone scan

4) man, 32, fam history of CAD, what to screen for?-cholesterol

5) female, 32, fam hist of colon cancer, when to start screening: colonoscopy now/at 40/at 50or sygmoidoscopy at 50

6) history of allergy to bees stings: where long sleeved clothes, avoid bushes, carry epinephrine ( someone else posted this before, i had the same q)

7) positive pred value-calculate from 2x2 chart

8) cluster headache- prophylaxis

9) trigeminal neuralgia-tx with carbamazepine

10) elective splenectomy for TTP, what vaccine to give before surgery? (except pneumo)

11) splenectomy at 9y/o, now 23 y/o, had pneumo, what other vaccine is needed? (i only had hep A< hep B , meningoccocal (does it exist?) and influenza to chose from)

12) splenectomy 10 y ago, now pulm inf with gram pozitive, what is the pathophys

13) REM sleep disorder ( same as the q in UW)

14) reactive attachement dz,4y/o girl who had probl only with dad, teacher and doctor where ok

15)cyclothymia- man, depressed/maniac for 3 y

16) major depressive dz vs grief...2y after wife died

17) oppositional defiant dz- kid who argued with everybody, but had good grades

18) chronic schizo, get halloperidol and NMS after..what to treat with

19) media clip: murmur in kid of diabetic mom

20) thyramine crisis, lady at restaurant, takes MAO inhib

21) risk for fetus if mom gets in contact with epople with parvovirus B19

22) only urethral pain on urination, no frequency/urgency/fever etc...what is it? (non gonoccocal urethritis?)

23) SOB, cyanosis 30 min postpartum, BP 60/30, dies despite resuscitation, why?

24) placenta previa-bleeding, no pain, fetus transverse lie

25) female depressive adolescent, 2 suicide attempts, but says she won't do it again, admit to psych unit or treat with fluoxetine?

26) HIV, 37y/o married with attorney, doesn't want mechanical ventilation for pneumonia, husband ask you to do it anyway..

27) diabetic with foot ulcer, what causes it (derma picture)

28) HIV, CD count 150, what to give prophilaxis for

29) sickle cell female, pain on hip, normal XRay, what does she have? (Xray shown)

30) female, pain on hip, very ugly xray (shown) with necrosis, on femoral neck and intertrohanterian, but not on fem head

31) sigle liver mass- measure alphaFP levels

32) study surgery vs stent for carotid stenosis, gave 3 results from 3 studies, asks to interpret (confusing)

33) ekg: third degree block, pulse rate of 38/min

34) ekg: looked like WPW, but the history was like HOCM...confusing (athlete on bascketball

35) kawasaki-tx

36) osgood-schlatter in teenager athelete

37) slipped cap fem epyphisis- chubby 14 y/o

38) female, very high thyroxine level, very low TSH, all the signs for hyper thyroidism, lived with sister who took levo thyroxine for hypothyroidism- exogen adm??

39) pigmented lesion, grew over 2 mo, and after other appeared around it, also pigmented (derma picture)-melanoma

40) 9y/o girl, developed breasts and pubic hair, dresses like her mom, pretends to be older, mom takes OCP- what is the cause: mom's OCP/estrogen lotions/Puberty/pituitary adenoma

41) male, around 50y/o, has developed gynecomastia and and small firm testes
low TSH, LOW T3 T4, what is the cause

42) varicella after splenectomy, what is the cause (derma picture)

43) female, marrathon runner, pain on knee, normal XRAY (shown) no tenderness over tibial tubercule, full range of motion, what is it?
check ur mail
thanx dear.
i really appriciate
doyoudig can you please send me too. thanks. ismatasad
check ur email ismat asad and plz forwrd other ppl who want them.
wow rehellohie it will be v helpful for us .great
thanks siam for ur post.
good luck for residencey
doyoudig plz send me too at

rehellohie could u plz send me plzzzzzzzzzz thanks

doudig pls send it to me at


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