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Help needed: how to get a PA? - ns2008
I am an IMG living in Nebraska, and would like to work as a PA if possible until i pass my USMLE steps. One of the schools in my area didnt accept my medical education and said i need to study for 4 years while some people on this forum has finished PA program in 2 years, could anyone help how to proceed? how can i use my medical education to get into a PA school untill i finish my steps? is there any good school in NE that IMGs can follow for a PA program?
sorry i didnt see this post..i thought you meant the state. I don't think the schools would take you unless you are willing to pay them tuition and start from the beginning. To do school all over again I don't think is wise unless you want to become a pa and leave the idea of being a physician. Instead I would tell you to focus on finishing your steps in the time that you were thinking about doing school and maybe take up a part time job..some physicians hire med . graduates that are studying to finish their boards or are in the period of waiting to do residency. Pay would probably be minimal but there is no harm in trying to find a job like that..and it will also help you when you are ready to apply for residency...looking good on your resume , giving you us clinical experience and maybe some really good letters of recommendation. gl!
st_55 is absolutely right. Listen to him.

Furthermore, don't let the title fool you. PA=Physician Assistant. Don't confuse it w/ Dental assistant, or Medical assistant,... like many people do (b/c of the title "Assistant"). It is very hard to get in, almost as hard as US medical school, around 3000 applicants to each program/year(for 50 seats). The training is very intense and difficult b/c PA is expected to function almost as a Doc, such as seeing patients, do PE, make Dx, formulate Tx, F/U.....meanwhile the training time is much shorter _ 2 years for professional phase. Before applying, U must have 4 year US degree. It has been one of the hot career for 10 years. The pay is good. The resposibility is just right. The job market is wonderful. That's why Every body in US wants it besides Med schools, and therefore, it's very competitive. U won't have time & energy for both PA & Steps.

In short, Listen to st_55
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