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My Story -
olympus 600

I graduated years ago, as some of you. I joined many times in mathing program, but no success. At least I tried. Now I'm working as a registered CLS ( Clinical Laboratory Scientist). I have a decent salary around 60,000 a year.

I have a plan of of joining the matching program, but I feel I'm not competitive anymore. Or in the back of my mind ,it's a waste of time and money.

The thing is , every time the fact come across my mind that I'm a physician and I'm not doing anything about it is mind buggling to me. There are times I feel I'm crying and aching inside. May be subconsciously, I will not be satisfied unless I practice medicine.

I'm out of touch for a long time any input is greatly appreciated. I got my ecfmg certificate 1994.

i can understand ur situation, cheer up my friend. If you really want to be a doctor you can try at some other country, u will not get the same salary but u can have the job satisfaction.
For olympus 600

apply and also try to talk to Drs or resident any if u know and take help.
Talk to you personal dr he might be able to give u advice how to apply and even to get a residency.
Trust me it works when u do it with confidence!
listeria - mharvey463

money. Iam in the same boat. Old graduated, 75/75 after multiple attemps. I applied 52 programas and already had 4 interviews, 9 rejections and 2 waiting to scheduelle.
Apply to those that are less competitive. Psy
try again

we are in the same boat..i had certificated many years ago..and then swithed to other field..have a good job..but i never feel like i am doing the right i am trying this year's match..keep hope!

I feel the same way too after a few years as a nurse, but I did it and now have got lots of interviews. I still have trouble imagining myself as a physician, but I know I will be soon. Start doing things like volunteering in a free clinic, taking step 3, and networking to find physicians who might help you move in the direction you want to go.
It is hard, but possible if you are truly determined.
try again

Ag, what specialities did u get interviews if you don't mind?

try one more time buddy! you can retake the MLE's including step 3-you need to refresh your medical knowledge as well as to be competitive, make sure you get the right review materials, pass it the first time-you can do it because you did it before, while doing this, make an arrangement with a doctor to observe/volunteer once a week. give yourself a realistic time to accomplish, let's say 2 years to a maximum of 3 years with step 3/observership/uslor/us citizenship
olympus 600

for listeria and Ag

First thank you for your input.

How did you revalidate your ECFMG certificate?
How about the seven year limit?
US Letter of recommendation .Is it a must?
Specialty you got interviews.
What states you guys applied.

I apologize for too much questions.

10yr cert is not good for applying again. only you have additional improvement such usce, gc, pub, better lor. if u really want to match, retake the test and get high score. hope this help
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