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Just asking advice - drtweetybird
Ok, so I have been emailing programs individually for the last few weeks asking about program requirements and what not.

I have gottne responses from some, but the fatc remains that I need to have everything done by this weekend in order to send my applications on time.

So I am seriously considering paying for a list from one of those services.

Match A Resident seems to have a nice site, and my list will cost $70.00

Can anyone tell me if they have had expereinces with any other services, (including MAR) and what their prices are?

That could help me out a whole lot.

Thanks againf or all your support in this process.

PS, my externship finishes on tuesday sept 2. Cant wait to go home, my niece has grown so much in the last few months, my parents have put on a new roof, my grandmother has moved many changes while I have been gone, I might not recognise my home when i get there.

Maybe I can myself a husband when i get back home................that seems nice! (smile)


We did PHENOMINAL!! in the track events in Beijing...................and they say poor countries cant succeed.

Love Ya'll

Have agreat evening.

PS.............please respond, your opnions will be greatly appreciated.



you will get same details in free
Cool, thanks a bunch.

Will try them now.

cshouston, can you give me that address again?

I am typing in in my address line and nothing is coming up.

Could you check that address for me again and let me know.

tweets, have you ever heard anything about someone resigned from a program and then reapplied and succeed? i have a very close friend who is experiencing things like that. he is totally innocent (absolutely not behavioral problem on his part). he is a really really nice guy. i could not stand he is suffering and is depressed. i just try to help him and encourage him to try again. he deserves some help because he saved a lot of patients' life. his previous PD will also provide him a LOR (he said he will help as much as possible) although he have not seen this LOR. thanks for advice regarding how to deal with this situation. friends. please.
hi drtweetybird...

im sure u are very excited to go home...have a safe journey...and ofcoz congrats on the olympics

I would like to know where u did your externship?if u dont email cutejz1982

well,i had used MAR last was helpful...but i find it expensive...unluckily,i didnt match last time....this time is used,but not to apply to programs,just to find their requirements and such....

all the best...pls do reply..
Sorry I took so long to reply, but i dont have internet access at my home, just here at work.

I will try Match A Resident then and see what they have.

I also applied last year and was unsuccessful.

As to you drminga.

I think your friend's chances are strongly dependent on what were his original reasons for resigning.

I read about a doctor who had to resgin becaus her child was ill and neeed to move to another state for state of the art treatment that would require her mom to be with her constantly.

That is a legitimate excuse, and when she reapplied, her old PD helped her out greatly.

I think your friend should apply as planned, ask his old PD for support, also apply to his old program, there was a reason he was accepted there in the first place, and they know him!

Will be praying for him/her as the case may be.

This whole application process can be so stressful for everyone.

All the best to everyone.


please email me a drtweetybird

Can give you more information there.

But truly, i used a paid service since i didnt have much time to research externships on my own.


Found them to be inexpensive compared to other services i saw online, and htey had a wide selction of state locations to choose from.

I ended up doing a pediatric externship in the detroit area, and the people I am working with are very nice and helpful, and most of all supportive.

Before this experience, i had no intention of applying to progframs in Michigan, now i plan to apply to most of them.

All the best.

May not be able to respond to your email before tomorrow because i dont have internet acces where I am living, but will have regular internet access when i leave next wednesday because tuesday is my last day.

tweets, thank you very much for your help and advice. it is very helpful.

his old PD would like to support him. and wrote a LOR for him although he waivered to see it. it is due to the combination of several factors that made him leave. family reason, somewhat harsh learning enviroment, etc. which one should he focus on, family reason or learning environment (one of the faculty did not like him)? it is ok to say "bad thing " about previous program (even just a faculty?). also he does not know what the old PD say about why he left. is it ok to ask the old PD in a subtle way?

you can send your advice to ggqqzz if you want. since very few people have such a situation

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