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medicine sucks, usmle sucks - deathofdog
just not worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, its a long tough journey. And some people give up half way through and find other careers they are more comfortable with. If you are just having a bad day, try to realx and do something you enjoy, and hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow. If you really have had enough and want to consider another career, its your call. Live your life the way you want. Set your priorities according to your preferences. And whatever pathway you take in life, I wish you all the best. Take care
Try dance or photography; I minored in studio arts and it is most enjoyable. Do what you like in life, not what you feel you should like.
Smile) good one!
i guess i am not alone!!! You can read my other long thread of being "REALLY disappointed with this profession" !!

Just keep going buddy...Dont stop now!!!

to vivilolita- Why should he keep going if he doesn't have passion for this profession? It is against human nature and universal logic. It is like a carpenter becoming a carpenter just because his parents wanted that for him or because of peer atmosphere or because of an incentive that he doesn't have but should conform to desire.

He said: "medicine sucks; usmle sucks and its just not worth it"

= I don't have passion for this profession and even if I do, it is not nearly as much as would motivate me to try hard for it. The statement that medicine sucks is very direct and clear; it means that he doesn't like it.

Therefore, I found your statement quite funny madame; "Just keep going buddy...Don't stop now;" Medicine nor any other profession is like fast food. Keep going and trying for a profession he thinks is not worth his time and effort and is inherently not to his desire? Tell the guy to follow his heart instead. It is that simple. Life is very simple if we humans don't complicate it.
i agree with ekx but wat vivilolita has said is also not wrong becas medicine is a profession whihc we cant keep long away from, the frustation is becas we are not achieeving our best, not becas we want to leave, i mean i think that and someway again in life we want to come back to medicine no matter wat, becas remember many people are dying to be in our shoes, but they dont understand usmle difficluties,
relax guys he is just going thru a low phase...........
just motivate him so get thru this hurdle.......
dont worry deathofdog just relax for few days and start again
its true it sucks and the profession is not that rewarding as it used to be.... we go back to the profession just because we want to see the praise in ppls eyes who look at you with envy not coz ppl are dying we want to earn and its one of highly paid jobs after actors and players i guess,the path is getting difficult day by day and uncertainty is high,there is discrimination for FMGs and Old grads,after when you become a doc the life is not easy i think it keeps on sucking as you end up doing what you never wanted to,its a vicious circle
Hi guys.
Here is an interesting link
It should help you to decide...Smile

Have some fun!!!
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