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plz help!!!!very very distressed - sweetiful
im an IMG , and im residing outside the US
i was preparing for CK since6 months , and i sacrificed LOT
i was supposed to take my exam on 11th and i was goin to apply this year
and my nbme scores were all so good and everything was perfect ,,,,
i was fine till the night of the exam and THEN I DONT KNOW WAT HAPPENED , THE ANXIETY , THE HEADACHE, INSOMNIA ,
, payed the extra fee
and now im schduled for 18th
and i dont feel like taking the test anymore
its all finished , got 99 in step1 , passed the CS and NOW i ended up screwing my CK ,
is it possible that i can still apply this yr ???
plz respond , im so upset
Hey... Sweeti....Relax, take a deep breath.
That's very normal,but i think you need a break for a while, Exam on 18 is fine.
Your brain is exhausted, i think. need some relaxation.....Go for swimming, Listen to music, take a off from study.
If you need, take some anxiolytic like alprazolum.
I know you are very good shape, You can apply for this year. Don't worry.
You are right, if you are panic, better postpone it.
hi sweetiful..

you need to CALM DOWN. don't worry... a ton of people have been through this. it happens to the best of us. you can't afford to screw up now. i'm glad u cancelled rather than go to the test in such a state.. i suggest u take it real easy the next few days.. seriously.. take a day off. go for a walk etc...
next few days.. revise some questions in the morning and then train yourself to sleep early.

look i had a similar situation and also cancelled last minute with the fee.. but after finally doing it.. i realize.. there are some things we just can't control in life.. it is what it is unfortunately. i'm still waiting for my results and its killing me. what else can we do?? torture ourselves?! its a tough exam and u need to be in a good state of mind. Pleae try to let iit got and don't let the stress ruin your chances. its a test like every other test.

and yes u do still have a chance.. i've had friends apply as late as oct and have their results ever later.. and matched at decent programs with Visa's etc... so stop thinking about it and take the test.

whatever shall be will be.. we have to believe in ourselves.
hi...we read mtb peds together...hope u remember me...i think u shouldn't have cancelled u r exam or gotten so anxious...because,i felt the same before my exam day,but i went ahead and gave my exam on 21st july...was a little uncertain abt my performance,but i got my scores to day and its a,i am sure everybody feels like that before the exam day...dont be distressed abt it..if u have scored very high in nbmes,i am sure u'll do well in this too...gud luck... i feel u should just apply with the 2 scores that u have...and add the ck scores when u get them.
thanka a lot guys
is there anyone who is appplying this yr and taking the test after aug 12th
guys,,,i need advice from you,,,my NMBEs form 2 score is 390/188,,,after really hard study,,,what i have to do i am done with uw offline 2007,,becuase i was done 2010 from 6 month ago and already have the notes from it,,i done with q bank twice 1st time was all item then i did the incorrect in each branch,,,i need to know what else i should do,,,,,please my exam after 3wks,,,tell me what i should do
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