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1. Which hormones act thru tyrosine kinase receptors?
a. ADH
b. Aldosterone
c. Calcitonin
d. 1,25 dihydrocholecalciferol
e. epi
f. insulin
h. T4

2. 58yr male w/ blood in urine had nephrectomy 10yrs ago in MVA. The remaining kidney has has carcinoma & pul mets. IL2 is started. 3 wks later CT shows regression of the tumor. Which caused the regression?
a. Effect of IL2 on tumor vascularization
b. cytotoxic effects of IL2 on tumor cells
c. increased NK cell activity
d. induction of antitumor antibods by IL2
e. incorpora of B lympbocytes
f. spontaneous remission

3. A 19 mo. old girl dies after inges of mom'm FESO4.
Autopsy shows lysosomal degradation.
a. activation of glutathione peroxidase activity
b. inhib of glutathion S transferase activity
c. Peroxidation of DNA
d. peroxidation of membrane lipids

4. 24 yr old at 24 wks gestation develops heartburn 1 hr after eating, MCC?
a. decres competency of LES
b. decres esoph motility
c. increas acid production
d. increas acid emptying
e. increase gastric motility

5.14 yr old girl to Dr. w/ no menses yet. PE shows nor brest develop, no puic hair, nor female external genitalia, bilat inguinal hernias, vagina w/ blind pouch, no uterus or ovaries. US shows absence of internal female genitalia. Underlying problem is?
a. defec androgen receptors
b. excess pdct of fetal estrogen
c. ecess fetal progesterone
d. insuff fetal testosterone pdction
e. insuff MIH during fetal development

6. Lgst collec of neurons in CNS that use NE as neurotransmitter is found in ?
a. basal nucleus of Meynert
b. locus ceruleus
c. raphe nuclei
d. sustantia nigra
e. ventral tegmental area

7. Which human cell is 1N & haploid?
a. germinal epithelial cells
b. primary spermatocyte
c. spermatid
d. type A1 spermatogonium
e. type B spermatogonium

8. The genotype of chorionic villi in human placenta is?
a. fetal
b. maternal
c. paternal

9. Sudden w/drawl from will pdce a life threatening syndrome dependent upon it?
a. amphetamine
b. cocaine
c. heroin
d. methylphenidate
e. secobarbital

10. Eukaryotic proteins that exist as membrane assoc , glycosylated, disulfide bond linked dimer in mature form are in?
a. cytoplasm
b. extracellular space
c. mitochondrial matrix
d. nuclear matrix
e. nuclear matrix

11. Which enz acts on phosphatidylcholinedirectly to generate diacylglcerol?
a. hormone sesitive lipase
b. lipoprotein lipase
c. pancreatic lipase
d. phospholipase lipase C
e. sphingomyelinase

12. ICAM-1 expression increases in response to cytokines d/t which neutrophil fxns?
a. activation
b. adherence
c. chemotaxis
d. demargination
e. transmigration

13. 22 yr old w/ fever 103, anuria, p 130, RR25, BP90/55 .
bld cx grows e.coli, broad speantibx started. Which cyttokine contributed to her illness?
a. IL2 & inteferon Y
b. IL3 IL7
c. IL4 IL5
d. IL 10 & 12
TNF alpha & IL1

14. 34 yr female w/ hilar bilat adnopathy, brochoscopy shows noncaseating granulomas, most appropriate therapy?
a. azathioprine
b. methotrexate
c. prednisone
d. rifampin
e. zidovudine (AZT)

15. Which drug pdces vasoconstiction not blocked by prazocin & bradycardia that is blocked by scopolamine?
a. amphetamine
b. angiotensin
c. NE
d. phenylphrine

1 f..insulin
2. c..imcrease NK cell activity
3. A.. acivation of gl7uth peroxidase activity
4. a..decrease competency of LES.....GERD
5. a...defective androgen receptor...testicular feminization syndrome
6. cereleus
7. c...spermatid
8. a...fetal
9. ?????
10. b ...extracellular space....this is IgA
11. d...phospholuipase C
12. a. activation....the ICAM then facilitate adhession, then margination, then chemotaxis
13. e....TNF and IL 1.......mediators of endotoxic shock
14. ???C.....i know this is sarcoidosis
15. b...angiotensin
9)secobarbital.....barbiturate withdrawal syndrome is lifethreatening one.
14)sarcoidosis ----prednisone

hey vicors4b congratulations for getting good scores.good luck with u'r next exams....
could u please explain answer for Q no. 3
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