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To people who plan to take the Exam by Dec.2011 :) - maryam2009

Hi there

I will do it Smile

hey maryam2009 need to know u r using online or offline uw q ?
Hi there

online Smile
Some UW points
sorry for misspelling,I wrote them very fast
CCB..NImodipine to prevent cerebral spasm followinf Subarachnoid hemorrhage. Methyldopa,clonidin ,,central sympatholytic.. stimulate alpha 2a receptors..dec.generalized sympathetic BP
Diadtolic heart faailure ...normal ventricular contractile performance(EF),but a ventricular diastolic complience ,so EDP must increase to chieve a normal EDV and stroke volum. 2.Systolic heart failure ..decrease in ventricular contractil performance which requires increase both of EDP and EDV. summery. Diastolic heart EDP ehereas Systolic heart EDP and EDV
Zenker diverticulum..(at the upper part of Esophagous).is caused by Cricopharyngeal muscle dysfunction due to diminished relaxation of pharyngeal muscles during swallowing in elderly patients.When diverticulum consists of mucosa...false or pulsion,and when it is traction diverticulum..(True..located at mid-portion of the Esoph.)consists of all layers.Achlasia..degenerative change of the Myentric plexus.
HIV infected with esophagitis...Candidia(white patch)erpes virus( vesicles)and CMV( linear ulceration)
Gasteric Erosions are definded as mucosal defects...they do not cross muscularis mucosa.Layers in order are:Mucosa,Muscularis mucosa,submucosa,Musularis propria,Serosa
Two dural folds..
Spironlacton..aldosterone antagonist..reduces morbididity and mortality in clas III,IV Heart failure(Aldosteron causes ventricular remodeling ...cardiac fibrosis). Hydrocholorothyiazid..blocks Na-Cl symporter in distal convoluted Tubulees.Furasmide..inhibits NA-K-@Cl transport.Acetazolamide..inhibits Carbonic anhydrase
MHC classI.heavy chain and beta 2 microglobulin,all nucleated cells,present antigen to CD8+cytotoxic T-cells,viruses ,tumor proteins antigens are processed in the cytoplasm,results in.Apoptosis of the presenting cell.MHC II.Alpha and beta polypeptide chains,loc.Antigen-presenting cells.Function.present Antigen to CD4+,type of Ag..Bacterial.Ags are phagocytosed and digested by lysosomes within which Ag binds to MHC II.,Result in activation of Th cells.stimu.humoral,cell-med
Niacin..inhibit hepatic VLDL production,Statin inhibit cholesterol synthesis..up-regulate the LDL,..Bile acid-bining resins-cholestyramin,colestipol..binding to bile acid in the GI tract and interfering with its enterohepatic circulation. EZETIMIBE..inhibits the intestinal absorbtion of cholestrol,effective even in the absence of dietary inhibits the enterohepatic circulation of the bile acid
CFTR..CF transmembrane conductance regulator mutation found in patient with CF is a 3-base pair deletion that removes a Phen. at position 508..this mutation impairsposttranslational processing of the CFTR gene transcript...result is degradation of gene product befpre it can be transported to the cell surface...causing of the absence of the CFTR protein from the apical membrane of exocrine duct epithelial cells
Sodiym cyanid-nitroprusside test..Cystinuria..AR ..young ppl with recurent stone.Hegsogonal Cystein in urin
Inadequet recanalization of URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION btw the kidney and ureter..common cause of fetal HYDRONEPHROSIS...Pronephros ..nonfunctional,fully regress,Mesonephros..mesonephric (wolffian)duct forms a diverticulum called Ureteric bud (collecting ducts,calices,renal pelvis,ureters,male GU components)3.Metanephros..mesoderm around ureteric bud forms metanephric vesicles.(renal paranchyma)
Acute gouty arthritis traetment.. first line nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,then COLCHICINE..binds to the intracelillar protein tubulin,,inhibits polymerazation into microtobules,important SE..nausea,diarrhea,abdominal pain ,should be avoided in elderly or patient s who have RENAL DYSFUNCTIO
OCP. action..suppression of synthesis of the gonadotropins FSH and LH in the anterior pitutary...inhibition of ovulation
CNS tumors of neoronal origin,neuroendocrine,neuroectodermal cell stain positively for SYNAPTOPHYSIN(transmembrane glycoprotein found in the presynaptic vesicles) ON IMMUNOHISTOLOGY. nEOPLASMA GLIAL ORIGIN(aSTROCYTOMA,EPENDYMOMA, AND OLIGODENDROGLIOMA)stain for GFAP(Alial fibrilary Acidic Protein)
Aromatase deficiency..female ambigus genitalia,normal size uterus,norm BP,but serum Testestrone and androstenedione levels are increase..mother experience increased facial hair growth,and voice deeping.@! hydroxylase def.ambigous genitalia,salt wating..hypotension,yponatremia ,hyperkalemia. 17-hyd. def..sodium retension,HTN,sexual infantalism in the female
Cold agglutination:..Mycoplasma pnemonia,EBV inf.,Hematologic malignancy
Monoclonal antibodies to meningococal pilli colonization..antibodies coatting pili to prevent pilus mediated attachment to the mucousal epithelium of the NAASOPHARYNX.N.Meningitis produces an IgA protease ..facilitates survival of the organism in the mucosa by destroing antibodies that could potentially prevent the attachment and penetration of the bacteria.
pyrovate kinase activity...glycolytic pathway converts phosphenolpyrovate to pyrovate ...generate ATP.Pyrovate kinase allosterisally stimulated by frouctose 1,6 bisphosphate(produced from F-6-phosphate by the enzyme phosphfructokinase. A deficiency of glycolysis in red blood ells..hemolysis...splenomegaly due to WORK HYPERTROPHY.
Thayer Martin ,,Neisseria ..a choclate agar:Vancomycin(inhibit growth G+)Colistin(polymixin..G-),Nystatin(fungi),and Trimethoprim(G- organisms other than Nisseria..such proteus species.
Diphteria toxin..AB exotoxin that ribosylates and inactivates EF-2..inhibits protein synthesis..cel death C.perfringens...Lecithinase..degrades membrane phoshphlipide..membrane destruction,,,cell death. Pertussis toxin..AB exotoxin..stimulates intracellular, Insulin production,Lymphocyte and neutrophil dysfunction.,inc Sensitivity to histamin.Shigella's shiga toxin..inactivate the 60 ribosomal subunite
68%-within 1 standard deviation from the mean 95%...within 2 standard 99.7%........3
Case control..evaluating hospital officials claim...two groups of subjects exist:Cases(with the disease of interest ) and Controls (without the disease of interest)..provide estimate of exposure frequency among the general population.
Tolerance to opioid induced constipation and miosis does not readily prevent the bowel complication,,recommended with addequeit fluid intake and daily laxative
DNA polymease 1 has 5' to 3' exonuclease activity in addition to its 5' to 3' ..5' to 3' exonuclease is used to remove the RNA primer which initiates DNA polymerization, and to remove dameged DNA.
Chorda tympani branch of facial n....Gustatory sensation from ant. 2/3 of the tongue.Mandibular division of the trigeminal n....generl sensation from the ant.2/3 of the tongue.Glossopharyngeal n...taste,pain temperature and touch stimuli from the post. 1/3 of the tongue.Vagus n.posterior area of the tongue transmitting both gustatory and general sensory stimxuli. Motor innervation..Hypoglossal n.XII.(exception palatoglossous...vagus n.)
Dihydrobiopterin reductase deficiency can cause Hyperphenilalaninemia and hyperprolactinemia at the same time . Alkaptonuria.. AR..homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency..normally breaks down homogentisic acid (alkapton)...a tyrosine byproduct that is harmful to bones and cartilage
Dofetilide..K channel blocker..antiarrhytmic ..slows K ion efflux from the cardiac myocytes with phase 3
The rate of blood flow through the pulmonary circulation must equal the rate flow in the systemicc circulation at ALL TIMES
major addaptive immune mechanism that prevent reinfection with the influenza...anti-hemagglutinin IgG antibodies in circulation and mucusal anti-hemagglutinin IgA antibodies in the nasopharynx
nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase not require activation via intracellular phosphorylation...NEVIRAPINE,EFAVIRENZE,DELAVIRIDINE. hepatic failure with Encephalopathy,Steven hepatottoxic reaction.NRTI..Zidovudin,..vudines,Zalcitabin,Didanozine,Abacavir..must be be converted into its monophosphate by celullar THYMIDINE KINASE.ENFUVIRITIDE..HIV fusion inhibitor..binds envelope glycoprotein (gp41)
Wilson's dis..cause cystic degeneration of the putamen,as well as to other basal ganglia. Amygdala mediates fear and some sympathetic stimulation in humans
Reserpin..blocks the storage of adrenergic mediators in presynaptic vesicles...reduces the synaptic cleft NE concentration....predispose to depression ,Nasal congestion,inc.gasteric acid secreation. *Alpha methyl thyrosin..inhibits thyrosin hydroxylase.. is used for pheochromocytoma. Selective and non selective alpha blockers block adrenergic receptors competetively
When plasma glucose concentration rise,the Na+ glucose carriers in the proximal tubule become saturated at point TmG...increase in plasma glucose concentration beyond the saturation pointdo not result in increased reabsorbtion.
Leshch -Nyhan syndrome..X-linked recessive.deficiency HGPRT.Activity of 5-phosphorybosyl-1-pyrophosphate synthetase(PRPP synthetase) is increased.
Aromatase deficiency..female ambigus genitalia,normal size uterus,norm BP,but serum Testestrone and androstenedione levels are increase..mother experience increased facial hair growth,and voice deeping.21 hydroxylase def.ambigous genitalia,salt wating..hypotension,yponatremia ,hyperkalemia. 17-hyd. def..sodium retension,HTN,sexual infantalism in the female
Thanks and all the best for you tooo.
i am in.
Hi everybody,Where are you?
I,m doing UW right now ,hope to hear from you soon Smile
wow. amazing synopsis of uw notes.. thanks for pointers…
done with 1 block uw now reading explanation and taking notes
G.L keep moving time is flying
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