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to the knowledged people in this! - crackstep
I'm an OLD IMG, studying for step 1 as most of the people here. I have to work part time, and barely have time to study (5-6hrs per day). I know is not too much time, but at least i'm trying.
my real problem is when it comes to get a new topic, i feel sometimes to going backwards!
i feel like is taking me too much time already; like that i have to re-read the books again!

Please someone help me, give an advice and schedule to follow!
I know we are in the same boat, but i don't want my frustrations to get in to the path.
I was thinking to start U.W. along with F.A.
guys, please, someone..
Thank you in advance.
crackstep...i was in the same boat some time back.. since i am also an old ing and work full time, i also couldnot study much but what i did was listened to videos..they really helped...and i studied for 4 months with work, read kaplan with videos and then did UW in tutor mode and last month i took off and read FA 2 times and gave the exam...set a date....u can study a lot in 5-6 hrs if u donot have a lot of responsibilty at home...once u start doing the qs things will start coming to u....GL...
Well,I have not taken the exam but I am in also limited in stdy time cos I have a baby. What I will advise you(it works for me) is that you should study first,maybe kaplan lectures. I think t is easier to understand and remember things that you see and hear, than read. You dont have to feel like you know everything but make sure you have been exposed to the topics, then practse as many questions as you can from as many sources as you can. It helps to solidify the general idea you have and they also stick well.
Hope it helps.
Thank you for your response bedidee.
I have a 16m. baby girl and a 5 y.o., but still i think that i can handle the time.
so, you said first videos with books, and then U.W. to finish off with F.A. right?

How was your score?
thank you iyadara Smile
my socre was 212/89... not stellar but ok
Hi crackstep
I do understand your frustration, and I'm not exactly the most knowledgeable on this topic, but let's see what we can do here.

First of all, even if, in your opinion, it is taking too much time, so be it. It is better to be prepared. Besides, you work PT, and you have 5-6 hours per day, so just be patient because you want to do well after all this hard work.
Again, 5-6 hours a day is great if you are consistent in using them.

Now, have you completed a full read of Kaplan LN and DVDs in all subjects?
If so, then take an NBME and see where you stand. This way, you can concentrate more on your weak topics on your second read, or if you're done with the reading, then focus on the weak subjects only.

In my opinion, it is not a big deal when you have to go back and review a topic before you can start a new one. With some of us, this is the only way to grasp and retain material and it all helps to re-enforce what you study.
So don't be too anxious about it. Just continue, and as you integrate material better, you will be able to recall stuff without having to look it up as frequently.

After taking the nbme, and if you are satisfied with your reading and will go over the weak subjects only, then do that and start UW and FA.

Best wishes. I hope I understood your question.
Apologies for the long post Smile
UW and FA is the answer for you. TRY TO SUBSCRIBE TO UW and keep doing questions, it has every concept that is tested in exam. FINALLY when u finish UW then review the text books and FA with UW points in it, then take NBME assessment, work on weak areas and then again take another NBME keep doing it until u get 560-600 and above in NBME assessment, that is when u are ready to take the exam. When u start doing UW and FA ( please dont go to any other resource while doing this, it will consume time ),, make sure u improve the speed, dont worry about your scores in UW, since that q bank is mainly for learning more than assessment. YOU MUST REVIEW UW atleast 2 times ( when once ufinish UW once, review becomes much easier )

if u keep reading books and other material, there is no end,, it gives u constant frustration, and u dont know where u stand and what to improve,,, i hope this helps.

So just start off with UW immediately, and keep doing it.

Most important is SPEED , be patient while doing UW for the first time, dont get overwhelmed, and NEVER compare urself with anyone here,,, at your speed first finish off with UW ( that includes FA ) then u will know when u are actually ready for exam.

I remember your explanation to my question about translocation, you explained very well, thanks again.

best of luck, u are there, just keep moving forward, regards

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