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Dvtal Milestones - samideb12
In FA ,it is stated that child starts walking by 15 months.Is that right?
Even I doubt toilet trained at 3
Do children understand death at 6 years of age ? (I have brought this one and the above points just for discussion).
for death
they do understand it after 9 (kaplan video)
Which one should we stick to ?
a child should START walking by 15mths....if earlier he/she is an early walker. later than 15mths is considered late walker.
children do not fully grasp death by 6yrs (they have an idea of it but do not understand the gravity behind it) by 9 they completely understand.
toilet training is EASIEST by 3yrs....before that there is a bit of a is around 3 where the child begins to get full control of the bladder.
how i know all this: i have an 18mth baby who started waking at 15mths. before that the doctors were not worried. and i have a 6yr old who understands death but not completely.
I have two kids who started walking by around 1 year
A child can start walking during the period of 12-15 months of age. It is usual for most children to be able to walk by then. I would say that 12 months is correct.

Regarding the concept of death, here is a quote from BRS Behavioral Science by Fadem: "Changes at 6 years of age: 1. The child begins to understand that death is final and fears that his or her parents will die and leave. It is not until about age 9, however, that the child understands that he or she can also die."

I would say that at age 6, the child BEGINS to understand that death means separation from his loved ones, even though the FULL realization is still developing.

PS. Look also at Table 1-5 on page 5-6 of BRS for "Motor, Social, Verbal, and Cognitive Development of the Infant."

Thank you Psychmledr for your explanation.samideb
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