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Step 3 n my correlation with UWQbank n UWSA - acetheboardss
Passed Step 3 recently with a score of 221.

Prepared for 1-2 months on n off doing interviews. Took CK 10 months ago with 235.
Primary resource was UW Qbank and then referenced MTB.
UW cumulative was 59%; timed and mixed. (all my exams i have used timed n mixed and they have been the best way to prepare n simulate and also predict my score).
UWSA 2 days before exam was 229. ( out of four blocks; i did great on 1 block so it over predicted my score). I knew these self assessments lacked CCS portion which counts for 25% of weightage; so I had to be confident on that too.
Didn't do the FRED Free 150 Qs from usmle website due to lack of time, but I should have done them. For my other exams those 150 qs were spot on in predicting my score.

MCQs were weird and 25-50% couldn't be found in UW or MTB. But I went with my gut feeling unmarked what i felt was right.

CCS: practiced for 2 weeks on UW CCS software of 50 cases. Did all cases once and retried the cases until I got everything right in outcome. It simulates the real software very closely. Couldn't do the written hand out notes of UW 41 cases, due to lack of time. I was apprehensive in CCS, but felt very confident during exam due to practice in UW software. Revised all the cases summary n scoring section one day before the exam. All cases i got were different from UW cases, but pretty manageable if you know what to do in common cases. They were all pretty straightforward cases. I had diagnosed all cases, 2-3 till the very end; but I paid more attention on doing the process right. (thats what they score you on). I had three times when patient 'declined' an invasive procedure I had advised. (which meant it was an unnecessary procedure and I must have got -ve marks for it). I scored just above borderline on CCS(3 stars on the shaded area and rest away from shaded area to the right).
My advice on CCS is to stress on process and proceed as if you would in a real life case. think twice before moving time ahead, specially in ER cases. Don't freak out, you will get common cases and as long as you know how to deal with them in MCQs you will be fine.Dont rush in CCS. Think a lot before proceeding time. Think twice, thrice before ordering an invasive test. Even if you mess up like me, you will get nice score on CCS as long as you were right in PROCESS.

Feels good to be done with Steps and Now I can look forward to Match Day and also concentrating on my training if matched.
Congratulations and thanks for the awesome post! You for sure will match!!!
Nice score

congrats and GL for match Smile
Thanks mzimmermanv n goal 13.
Congrats. Thank you so much for the info and you will match for sure with those awesome scores =)
Congrats doc for such aged score
Oops sorry. I mean congrats for such a good score.
congrats. I, myself is trying to study for step 3. I am planning to use MTB and UW. The thing is with interviews and awaiting for matching I was not be able to start the study. Now adays i am trying to push my self to get motivated. My question to you is that, How long does it take to study if I am able to study 4-5 hours of study a day? the other thing is I didn't at all understand how CCS works..moving time a head etc...What material do you advice to prepare for that?

Thank You!
Thanks frazzled and drdss!


I gave my exam on the 2nd last day of my eligibility period(already extended to 6 months); so i missed out on my 'planned' UW revision, MTB revision and UW handout 41 printout cases and also Archer.

For me, my plan was to get done with UW once all qs timed n mixed and read MTB on that question topic and make notes on MTB while reviewing UW blocks. I had a target of at least 1 block(48 qs everyday). I did that. Also try to revise your wrong Qs in UW. 1400 qs in UW will take you a month to complete. If you are doing UW as MIXED TIMED AND FIRST TIME; you will be safe to pass the Step 3 if you score near 60% aggregate.

Once I was done with that, I dedicated 2 weeks for CCS. It was tight for me as i slacked and couldn't do Archer (which was my plan to do). I would advise keep more time for CCS if you are having trouble and try to listen Archer everyday and do 2-3 cases every day from 51+41 UW cases. This way you will be able to complete CCS n MCQs together in a month.

You will find a lot of Qs for which you have no idea, but just pick on gut feeling and move on. So the goal should be not to miss the scorable/straightforward Qs that are given in MTB/UW like asthma management, Lung Dz FEV etc, COPD management, etc etc.

If you have problems with CCS, listen to Archer videos. They are great for beginners and gives you a general idea how to approach the case. I watched the intro video of Archer, and then stopped as I wanted to prioritize and get done with UW CCS cases first. People swear by Archer, so you should do them if you are having problems understanding the software and how it works. Once I did few cases, I got the hang of it and just kept on doing and reading the UW explanations/scoring of UW 51 CCS cases from UW program. They are great and they guide you what you need to do and what you DO NOT.
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