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Another MD resident goes missing!!! - docgm
A young beautiful 25 yo pediatric resident has vanished in Texas. Let us say a prayer for her safe return.
My condolences to friends and family and hope she returns soon. I wanted to share some valuable information. I'm a former resident of AEMC, Phila and there the management used to get rid of trainees that got into trouble for any reason by making them sign "Privacy agreement" wherein the unfortunate trainee surrenders all their email accounts, social networking ids and loses contact with the outside world and is relegated to a remote area; all messages to the trainee's email id or social network profiles goes to the hospital without reaching the intended person. 2 - 3 unfortunate colleagues of mine were persecuted this way.
GREAT NEWS!! and sorry for late update, but thanks Lord, she is alive and now with her family. all we know from the news is that she called her sister from another city. No more details yet, but it doesn't matter since she's alive. Maybe as said above, she fell victim of pressure of residency.
Further to my post about AEMC, Philadelphia regarding Privacy agreement, may I also add that this hospital sometimes deliberately frames trainees (who fall out of favour) and magnifies their errors several times out of proportion just so that they can sue them for millions of dollars! Obviously, the hospital has to fiercely guard its vile and sinister activities; hence they came up with the "Privacy agreement" so that the victims are cut off from the outside world and their mouths are shut forever. I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP BECAUSE I GRADUATED FROM THERE (2012) AND ONE OF MY UNFORTUNATE COLLEAGUES, WHO GOT FIRED FOR DISCIPLINARY REASONS FOR CONFLICTS WITH A FEMALE PEER, IS BEING PERSECUTED AND HARASSED OVERSEAS (YEARS AFTER HE WAS FIRED) TO PAY OVER 1 MILLION DOLLARS TO THE HOSPITAL AND IS BEING DENIED THE RIGHT TO DATE OR MARRY! He's been refusing to sign "Privacy Agreement"
What does all your shit has to do with this??? Why don't you create another thread to tell your shitty story???
I bet she only has one interview or he only has one interview and is that location. he/she is trying to sway rank list, something which will never be done.

wrong post I am sorry
i meant to post some where else, it came here
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