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Full Version: Protecting Rights of Citizens and GC holder's. - dochoney
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We the American Citizen have taken the oath to defend and protct the country. We the American citizen pay taxes for this scoiety to run We the American citizen have a stake in thsi country. We the American citizen have a right to say how this country should be run. Non-citizen's do not have any right to say how we the citizen should do or say to protect our rights. AMERICAN MD FIRST
we citizens shud have sum privilage. otherwise its totally not fair , abt whats goin on here. afetr alll where else can we work, we cant go anywhere else for work but here..and people stuck with low scores cant get matched..which is not fair...
one of the most effective and fast solutions is to contact immigration on different levels to make the regulations on J1 & H1 visas for residency training more strict, at that time pds will not wait for the new residents
cool, as long as we unit. there is already a law in limiting the number of visas because company ignored us citizens and chose to hire H1, J1 because of cheaper labors and more work hrs. So a Senator from Connecticut started that. it will need us to tell our congress to push it through as fast as they can. in what ever form, calling, email, mail or demonstration.
if my recollection is correct. CNN featured that issue and show a clip from Youtube where lawyers teach companies "How to not Hire qualified American". with the record number of unemployment and if people unit, it will be pass.
??? Whats going on here? This is a Forum to help one another-not to put each other down.
Please Stop! All of you!!!
we have to reach people byeond this audiance
citizens & GC holders,
The First Amendment consists of five œfreedoms, which are: Religion, Free Speech, Free Press, Assembly, and Petition.
usmles - : honestly, for a fact.. people who r citizens here in states..will react if they dont get matched... after all we cant even go anywhere else to do pg, after all this is our homeland.
and y wud a citizen want to go to any other country for pg. ive never heard of situation like that.
We need change badly.

residency laws should modified accoridng to current situation.

please join together.

Together we Stand,Alone we fall!
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