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Full Version: Protecting Rights of Citizens and GC holder's. - dochoney
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i am scare just to think how many citizens and legal resident will be unemployed this year. last year thousands went unmatch. hence, it is good to start this early, people can participate and exercise their right.
there is a small difference with that last're NOT american're just american..and did the medical school god knows where...Yuo will never be treated as american MD
also mention the match statistics. how so many IMG with citizens and legal residents are unemployed. also mention how many citizens of other nations are applied.
AMG is American Medical Graduate.
American MD is an American with MD degree. If you are ECFMG certified then you are an MD
and if you are an American Citizen then you are an American MD as opposed to an AMG who graduated from a US medical school who in turn could be a US citizen of a foriegner.
texan1977...that's a very good draft.
To all US citzens? GC IMGs...I also think some other suggestions should be that the programs make special provisions for US citzen/GC IMGs in their IMG requirements, given that they are the ones that should have preference over other imgs-i.e. no graduation cutoff date, no attempt requirements and all the other criteria used to shut out imgs.
Some people become US citizens years after graduation in their own country, and as long as they are ECFMG certified they should be given a chance to practice medicine in their home country-the US and serve the people of the USA.
I also suggest special programs be put in place to rehabilitate and integrate US citzen/ GC IMGs once ECFMG certified, so that they can get into the USmedical system smoothly and better serve it's people e.g. Like a one year internship so that one gets to know the major specialties and then get into residency. That should work real well. That way one has a knowledge of the workings of the US medical system.
In all US citzens/ GCIMGs should be ahead of foreign imgs. Other countries look after their own citzens and permanent residents first and make sure they have everything first so the same should apply here too.

I know that in Germany maybe up until two years ago you were not allowed to do residency, even if you went to Medschool there, if you were not a german citizen or married to a german citizen ( in that case on the way to permanent residency). They did not mind having other doctors who did not train in Germany and who could not speak much german work there as long as they were married to a german i.e. soon to be permanent resident. They really put lots of hurdles in the path of foreigners even for other jobs.

AMG have right say tht they are being outplayed by IMG withrespect to scores, but wtf is wrong with GC? why are they barking?? damnnnnnnnnn grow uppppppp!!!!!!!!!
Barking? I thought we were engaging in a civilized debate. There is no room for bad langauage. As professionals, we should keep our language clean. Please if you come to an American forum then behave in an American way i.e. civilized way. Especially when you come to the forum of medical professionals then try to practice your medicine in a human way and be professionals. No room for words like "barking".
MD is a degree provided by american schools...if you did your med school outside is different...MBBS, med cirujano, can't be MD unless you join a residency program in US
You're just a US citizen claiming to be considered a MD...if they allow you to do that..all american medical schools will be screwed since nobody will join them provided that it's easier(im not sure about that) and cheaper(definitely) to study abroad that staying a home...
Better focus on your CV...I sincerely think you won't get anything in less than five years even more they are opening more med schools in US...
Citizens & GC holders,
Let's get united
Bird if you are not worried ,why you keep coming and trying to answer us.Just quitely watch us and see how long it takes us to achieve our gaol.

I feel you are terriably worried thats why whenever you see a post ,quickly come and answer
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