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Full Version: ********* PSYchiaTRY Thread---2010 Match ******** - nono
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Guys, last yr only 162 non US IMGs matched. This yr im expecting only about 100-120.
So 1000 IMGs for 100 seats. Naturally, guys like rkg8 will also get a lot of rejections.
Psychiatry is a shitty profession anyway. I wonder how many people really stay in the residency. Most transfer to other specialties as soon as they get a chance. Thats why programs do not want IMG's anymore in Psychiatry. Reimbursment is horrible is Psychiatry anyway. No procedures = No money
Well, there are positives and negatives in every profession and the the debate about it can be a long one.

But it is a fact that more and more people are opting for psychiatry these days, even AMGs.
HI guys..i do have 6 IVs but none from a famous/competitive program except one at Omaha..u are rite that even i wonder what do i lack..lets hope well and best of luck to everybody.
See,there you go. I knew you could not be without IVs. Please jump at the first Pre-Match and accept it even if it is from the most not so competitive program. Its getting much harder to get into a residency. Don't take chances...
At the end of the day you'd be doing what you love...Psychi
Psych_lover,your point is well taken..
rkg.....I am amazed that you have only 6 interviews.......however, it is a good no to match..good luck!

thegreatgambler.......last year only 6 positions were left unmatched last year that too in PR....So psych is getting competitive.And reimbursement is psych is better than primary care as psych is considered a speciality.Ofcourse, its less than a surgical branch!
hey thegreatgambler

...sure psych is 'shitty'...I hope no one whom u love suffers from a mental illness!!!!!!! becoze if they ever do...then u will understd how 'shitty' actually this field is!!

hope god gives u some wisdom...u sound like a moron!! god have mercy on u!

i hope u mean its good number to match than its a good NO to match..Smile
@ mousmle,
I second you brother. Maybe the procedure lovers are perverts who'd love to do digital rectal examinations rather than have some meaningful conversation with a fellow human being. Also, I like talking to people and Psychiatry involves lots of interaction. If I were to become a radiologist the only person I gonna talk with while sitting in that dark room will be my self. That sounds like masturbation.
Psychiatrist is the Laboratory, the instruments and the Physician all in one.
Moreover, if one wants to be filthy rich, one can make gazillion dollars by setting up private practice as a Sex therapist. All those old Millionaires who cannot take Viagra for one reason or another will give up any money juz to make that poor thing stand on its feet again.

Bottom line : I will NOT any shit from any Tom Dick or Harry about my Specialty...