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Full Version: ********* PSYchiaTRY Thread---2010 Match ******** - nono
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Hey Target 99

Do U mind telling your credentials? I too applied to crieghton Nebraska.. No reply so far..
In canada, they have only 8 IMG seats for Psychiatry. they will not give any credit for usmle exams . you have to clear all Medical council exams ( at least 3 exams).
if you are luck you will get one interview after that.
hello everyone, me too a psych aspirant...and only psych.
rejection from creighton nebraska.
mousmle can i contact you over email, needed some info.
IV at Bergen.
Hi patpelletier cong man. They did not even download my application let us see when they do that or they have already have done with their iv selection slots.
Thanks, sial. Don't worry I have a couple that didn't download mine either. But the good news is the ivs are starting so hang in there everybody. Don't agonize over messages. This one came in email only, i found it when I wanted to deleted my inbox. So GL guys and girls.
does bergen sponsor visa?
Bergen dosn't sponsor visas
When do we expect interviews in psychiatry? is it the right time or last week of sep? i dont know. so please keep alive this thread by writing something
Cograts Pat!!!!

Great news!!!