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Full Version: Family Medicine, Rejections here: - susanpersia
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Rej: Adv illinois Masonic
little rock rej
has conemaugh released interviews yet?
8 rejections
8th rejection

abington memorial
anybody with i.v at UPMC Mckeesport?????????

when are you interviewing???????
WV , charleston IV
anybody heard from conemaugh?

What are your creds? Did you have any other IV's?
@ joe123
my creds : scores in 90s, USCE, recent grad, need visa. I have couple of calls from community programs. I was expecting more. But its getting tough for IMGs who need visa.
We got to do the best with what we got. Good luck buddy !
i too got iv from chrleston, wv. when did u schedule it. please email me manlykiran