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Full Version: IM thread for this match - omalizumab890
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Thanks for the information. Best of luck to you... If that's ok by you can u please share your creds.
Rejection from st. Luke's, PA
Same here.
Same here
Ok. This is quite bizarre. I just noticed a message on my dashboard saying that Pawtucket RI no longer offers the track I applied for yesterday. It;s like where I apply the programs shut down all together. It;s like if these are the applicants we get then forget it. We are closing down the program LMAO
Rejection from University of South Dakota
SAme Rej from South Dakota--a fraud program--they are filering out massively.
After waiting whole day.... They send rejn at 7.49 pm... Really unbelievable -South Dakota prgm..
Moonlight999, 7:49 pm what time zone ??!