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anybody 40 years old or more and study for exam? - mandana - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 12-27-2011

Can I ask u all a question? What were you doing till now ...till the age of 40?? Why didnt u study for this test before in life? What has made u want to start studying now at the age of 40?....

Just a reality check: If you study now, you will probably get in in your mid 40s and will finish residency by 50. Dont you think thats the age of retirement and old age...Dont stress yourself...Relax your nerves and muscles....You all need to take a vacation and enjoy life instead of drowing yourself in depression due these exams and this career!! It is just not worth it. For people in their 20s this usmle track is okay...but for people who are over 30 it is just not worth it!! You might as well do something else and enjoy your life. Take care. Relax.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

baikshum i think that you are asking a stupid question which you should not
sorry if you are offended. Death do nott come with age ok
and who told you that a 70year doctor cannot practice the joy of being a physician is what matters the fulfillment of someone's dream, don't worry if it all went well with you all fingers are not equal and don't be enemy of progress. If you are a doctor you cannot afford to be a saddest.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

I didnt say that you are dead!!! Take it easy!! If you want to do it all means!!

But why now?? What were you doing all these years??

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

Its non of your Business my friend, why are you so concern OF WHAT WE WERE DOING ALL THESE YEARS if its possible you can let us be and stop asking us such question we are not owing you and must not provide answer to you question.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

there is no rule to at which age u should take your exam & which age you should stop taking.
@baikshum you are very curious why now ?? everyone is different & everyone has different reason, what ever they are forget about it . they have strong desire to practice as a doctor appreciate them but dont ask discouraging questions.
all the best to all keep urself motivated

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

@usmle2177 God Bless You.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

You cant just ignore that critical question of what you were doing all these years!!....Trust me do owe anyone who asks that question an explanation!!....The program directors especially will want to know...You cannot just enjoy 10-20 years of your life and then all of a sudden decide to go into residency. They do watch out for people like that!!....If you were not involved in any medical or clinical job and if you have such a gap it is very unlikely that you will get in in addition to being such an old grad which makes it worse. You people want a delusional world...where you dont want to be discouraged...but you have to wake up and face the reality. Just ignoring all this wont help. So, dont get upset...Think about the reality of things and move accordingly in life. Whats nagative is negative. You have to face it. And it is not other people's who are is REALITY of your situation. Face the truth instead of locking yourself in some delusional world.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

Just what exactly were you people doing all these years till the age of FORTY??!!!...

First of all you do something so outrageous like that and then you say that nobody should ask you any such question!! Everybody who hears this will ask! So please do give us an explanation as to why a residency program should accept people like you who must be partying all these years while we are throwing away our precious youths trying to become doctors !!!...And if your answer is "because I really want to do this..": Well Hello!!! So do we!! You better have a better answer than that!!...You can't just enjoy all your life and then wake up one day to do residency. So many of us are sacriificing lives to do this...even marriages,, delaying having kids....Why should YOU be preferred??!! more thing...I look at 40 year olds...and they are tired and need rest. They should rest instead of running around the hospital doing RESIDENCY!!

And yes, as Kashvi says above...Face the TRUTH!! Dont live in a delusional world!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

I agree. People over 40 should not get into this. I cant imagine people twice my age going through this torture! Please...why create a sorry scene out of yourself?..Just relax and enjoy life. There are lots of things that you can do to express your passion for medicine medical assistant, volunteering, research , or just any comfortable job that you feel good doing. Don't stress yourself over this process. You guys need to rest. In another 20-30 years you will be 70...Do you really want to spend those years being crushed and tortured? Please...I would hate to watch or hear about so much pain and suffering. Just take rest and enjoy life.

0 - ArchivalUser - 12-28-2011

Baikshum and others ,

If you are planning to retire in US at age 50, you better stick to your own country, honey. In U.S.A. people at age 50 are starting a second carrier or changing carrier and there is no limit of what you can do in this country. This is one of the beauties in U.Yes, we have to be realistic on many things, but there is no LIMIT in U.S. –the land of opportunities…When your 75 y/o grand ma comes to see you and she is telling you that she has a boyfriend and you as a doctor –going to ridicule her a ???
Well, this is America and you better learn of how to respect people from different cultures ,religions ,views and way of living-otherwise better to stay in your own home land, buddy..
Warmly Yours,