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who's taking the exam in the coming 2 month? - climber1
dear lovefest & luckyflow,
welcome to the gang... We will send you the invoice soon. LOL!
but seriously nice to see ppl i can relate to during my prep.... goodluck guys...

dear climber,
wonder how that block came along...? goodluck and yes, v good advice re the time wasting..

dear t,
forget the yahoo part... you just READ!!! u must be on pharmac now... Goodluck..!

dear sham,
'spit' ????? no no my friend. I charge for that! (wink wink!) LOL!! Goodluck you...!


doing uw immuno qs..are awesome, love them...i ended up loving immuno, after i kept postponing itSmile)
GL guys medicine is beautiful, nothing is ugly!Smile
good day everybody...
hope you'r doing great..
just did uw block,and now going to read the explanation.
study hard
climber and others ,
hw much time do u usually take for explanations for a block in uworld? because i take usually almost the whole day for the block.. sometimes feel i am making it too slow..hw do u people manage?i am just asking it so that i can make a better plan from ur suggestions...
hi oxyg
never be stressed..
it depends on the preperation stage..
and how many notes u are taking and stuff...
for me i did some of the uw offline when i was working...and took some its going faster now with online was taking me a block whole day too
so comedown,,,
if u are doing a block....understanding its concepts ...refering to the books and fa...keep going and later u will be doing 200
....just one thing...if u are studying ,and sitting by your computer ,you have to be disconnected from things which could distract..,,,,that also make a difference in the progress ..
hope that helps...
climber,,thanks for ur support.
i made about 2 readings of kaplan except anat which i made only 1 reading .and then 1.5 months back started uworld..i feel i am taking more time for writing notes..and cant cut it down.
Huh....I need to have more patience at this stage................

hope god blesses all of us with lots and lots of patience and energy to do our prep peacefully.
hi guys, how is everything going? i'm doin pharma abt u?
dear nitrogen,

whoa .... u need to relax... cox from what u say, u seem on the right track... i SO know what u mean by... u keep writing notes and wondering when ul get time to read em....! totally... but dont worry.... coz you will..... desperate times desperate measures.... if u have that hunger you'll find the time.... for you, even the day will give you more than 24 hrs.... keep that hunger alive my friend.... all else will fall in place.......!

dear stillclimbing,
nice advice pal.... encouraging to read even tho im still to start UW... goodluck!

deat t,
am still reviewing my friend... lots to review.... LOL! Kill that pharmac!!!

dear luckyflow,
yes yes life is GORGEOUS.... UW is AMAZING.....
basically whatever ur having il take two...... LOLOL!
nah nah goodluck ... keep going....!

hows the 'stalling' LOLOL! Goodluck you..... goodluck!

just goodluck man! lol!


ps. over & out for the day...
Man????? you are so wrong here, buddy.
dear lovefest,

ah i meant 'man' like a figure of speech......

but in that case............ Hello there! ; ) (wink wink)


Dont let my charm distract you. STUDY!! goodluck...


ps. ok SERIOUSLY over & out now.

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