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*nbme 3 block 4 -q1----------q50 - drona99
Diphenhydramine and amytryptaline - has Muscarnic recepar blocking activity -that leads to relaxation of detrusor muscle and contarction of spinctor of urthra -- so urinary retension.

other drugs with antimuscarnic activity-
cysteinurea AR disease.
pt has reached menapausal age-
so FSH ;LH high
estrogen low
Types of testicular tumors
Malignant testicular tumors are most often germ cell in origin (95% of cases).
Benign testicular tumors are usually sex-cord stromal tumors (5% of cases).
Classification of germ cell tumors
40% are of one cell type
Seminoma is the most common type.
60% are mixtures of two or more patterns
Most common mixture is embryonal carcinoma, teratoma, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac tumor.
Best classified as seminomas or nonseminomatous

Risk factors
1-Cryptorchid testicle
Overall most common risk factor
Greatest risk is an intra-abdominal cryptorchid testis.
2-Testicular feminization syndrome
3 -Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY)
46-- thyroglossal duct cyst- moves with swallowing.

A thyroglossal cyst is a fibrous cyst that forms from a persistent thyroglossal duct

It usually presents as a midline neck lump (in the region of the hyoid bone) that is usually painless, smooth and cystic, if infected pain can occur. There may be difficulty breathing, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), and/or dyspepsia (discomfort in the upper abdomen), especially if the lump becomes large.

The most common locations for a thyroglossal cyst is midline or slightly off midline, between the isthmus of the thyroid and the hyoid bone or just above the hyoid bone. A thyroglossal cyst can develop anywhere along a thyroglossal duct, though cysts within the tongue or in the floor of the mouth are rare.

A thyroglossal cyst will move upwards with protrusion of the tongue.

Thyroglossal cysts are associated with an increased incidence of ectopic thyroid tissue. Occasionally, a lingual thyroid can be seen as a flattened strawberry-like lump at the base of the tongue.

47- AA]
most pitutary tumours are prolactine adenoma .
prolactine inibits GnRH - so decrease in LH ;FSH - AND decrease in testosteron
placenta accreta:
abnormally deep attachment of the placenta, through the endometrium and into the myometrium There are three forms of placenta accreta, distinguishable by the depth of penetration.

placenta accreta:
An invasion of the myometrium which does not penetrate the entire thickness of the muscle. this form of the condition accounts for around 75% of all cases. 75-78%
placenta increta :
Occurs when the placenta further extends into the myometrium. 17%
placenta percreta :
The worst form of the condition is when the placenta penetrates the entire myometrium to the uterine serosa (invades through entire uterine wall). This variant can lead to the placenta attaching to other organs such as the rectum or bladder

Wikipedia , posted by drona99

sarim - 03/23/11 21:55

BB Cretinism

Initially at birth they appear normal due to maternal hormones.
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droidor - 03/23/11 22:01

agree with the posters answer. This is an example of buzz words and question leading up to an answer. This is congenital hypothyroidism. The reason why its not other reasons is.

achondroplasia - no mention of dwarfism
Multiple cart - no mention of skl. deformity
muscle dystrophy - edema, immature facies goes against that
Myasthenia - again unlikely for 6 month old to present with myasthenia (unless rare cases of fetomaternal transmission of mysthenia antibodies) but in MLE common things first
OI - again no mention on deformities
Tay sachs - usually starts at 6 mo. but The child becomes blind, deaf, and unable to swallow. Muscles begin to atrophy and paralysis. no mention of those
Vit D def - again no characteristic changes.


Terazosin is a selective alpha1-antagonist used for treatment of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It also acts to lower blood pressure, so it is a drug of choice for men with hypertension and prostate enlargement. It works by blocking the action of adrenaline on smooth muscle of the bladder and the blood vessel walls.

In general, α1-adrenergic receptors mediate contraction and hypertrophic growth of smooth muscle cells. α1-Receptors are 7-transmembrane domain receptors coupled to G proteins, Gq
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