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Full Version: hourly update thread for the day - drforget
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insulin..: activates glycolysis by Glucokinase and PKF2 in liver
activates FA synthesis by acetylCOA carboxylase
activates fat storage by turning on LPL
H1 A1 V1e 1 M1 &M3 ..activates Gq..phospholipase C...PIP2..then give:
DAG will bind Ca...turn protein kinase C...
ya ... hoping to sleep after lunch ...not hungry right nw...just had a milkshake b4 sleeping...feel full..
i am so slow, 20 pages should be done within 2 hours..should finish what I have for today by 3 pm
lets push ourselves...i am planning to start neauroanat by this lets be onschedule
yeah please usmle.step...let's help each other and push..every damned day counts very much in our preparation..

very good idea to start neuroanatomy this week becasue it is very important..start with the difficult subject you hate earlier...Smile
5 pages finished so far
break for 10 minutes bioch
ya..its always good to start with difficult subj...waiting for the HY to be shipped hoping to start by this weekend...