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Full Version: hourly update thread for the day - drforget
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my studing was interrupted too much ,,ok i will try continously now
i m back...........i will studying now....
@drforget@usmle step.... did you guys are studing tonight ......

@atlantastep1 ..hi ...

i dont know may fall to sleep any moment as this morning i waked at 6 ..if my redbull helps me will stay longer ...Smile
@vena...I am staying will do help alotSmile..usmlestep will study with us alsoSmile is it going?
thanks go @drfoeget ,,one of u showed up ,,i felt lonely .....
i cant drink cofee,,i hate the taste loolll....but for tea i have no problem ,,i drink 3-4 cup in a day
@vena...sorry I was outside .....that's why could not show up that much..

I like tea too but I drink coffee when I need much caffeineSmile)
@drforget.....its going fine but still need to catchup.....

@vena, how is bioch so far??
I am doing physio from FA

@atlanastep1..happy studying
@drforget ....its good ,,,iam going but i spend so much time on drwaing cycles and pathways as it helps to retain information ,,,,i finished TCA cycle now and will do ETC now ,,,
how about u ???did u can study now regularly ????everything is ok ???
iam on skype too now ,,,,,
@drforget,,,,,thank u......