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Full Version: hourly update thread for the day - drforget
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@vena....try to push vena...finish off soon... GL with uworld...

@drforget... waiting for u...
hi my friends, just came from outside..

I will start with physio

@usmle..good luck with bio,
@vena I am very excited for your UW bank tomorrow, are you going to do it randomly or subject wise or systemic wise???

happy studying

@drforget... howz physio going???

@vena...howz biochem going???

@mle... enjoy the party...

just done wid lec....chapter 15.. should read now...
hi is fine.
I am trying to put schedule tonight but I guess this will take too much time from me..may be will postpone

okay keep up with bioch...Smile

@vena, you are sleeping???how is bioch ??

back to physio
hey drforget... am sleepy.. unable to keep my eyes open...will sleep for awhile and will be back...
continue with the schedule...sorry...will try to get up at 4:00 and read...
@all.......u guys keep going....i m feeling sleepy going to bed was able to do just 30Qtoday........i hope i will increase the count tommorrow.
GN usmle.step GN atlanta
hi guys..just woke up.... didn get up at 4... feel bad nw for sleeping early...
will start biochem in 20 min...
hi guys, just came from outside , took all the morning as a break for finishing some errands outside,

where is everybody??
@usmlestep..donot worry study hard today... are you?? where is your update

everybody, happy studying..Smile))
just had lunch.........about to start my studies.......