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Full Version: IM Invitation/Rejection status 2014-2015 - alexa22
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I think your scores are good. good credentials. programs don't send invitations out all at one time so arrowmates will be the first group to receive it. it does not mean that they are done with the invitations. gl

Thank you. I am quite surprised but i guess they are still working on it.
Yes they responded but not yet confirmed my date @leavingrss
hey americandream1,

are you talking about emory internal ?
Got IV to UPMC shadyside yesterday afternoon!!! My first IM IV!!!
Is it hopeless for me

250+/260+/230+ all 1st USCE plus US LORs but YOG >5 pubs etc

silent inbox 1 auto rejection bc YOG is this a hopeless pursuit purely bc I an old grad

Despondent Sad have really good stats! It's still way too early to feel hopeless...I have a feeling that it will be raining IVs on you soon Smile
To Alexa22, great work with your summary posts, its sincerely appreciated. Good luck
thanks ddraper appreciate your words

yeah my YOG >5 yrs not pubs = 5 which may have appeared from way I wrote above also I NEED visa so just felt despondent given my YOG and visa are out of favor but more so the YOG I guess Sad
I understand. This entire process is disheartening. But help and opportunity sometimes presents itself when you least expect it...I have a feeling that is going to be the case with you.

Try to keep positive and know that you have solid scores and are a solid applicant.
has anyone who got an iv from sinai baltimore heard back from them after emailing your dates?