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Full Version: IM Invitation/Rejection status 2014-2015 - alexa22
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@david- email whyyy??
thee weeks silence broken by a rejection--- presence st joseph chicago : (
@ emanuela nothing just asking because some programs make a phone IV
Busy day for me today!
1 IM IV from a program I interviewed last year Smile
1 acknowledgement
1 pediatrics rejection
@USMLEATL , where do you live in Atlanta? I am also an IMG living in Atlanta and looking for a partner for IV practice.
Damn i got 4 rej today
I got 2 rejections today, but happy that I saw something in my inbox. Silence is torture Smile
1 rej, but still no invites. Waiting for my first
Interview – Ocala Health System, Ocala, FL


Where did you get rejections from?