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Full Version: @ck - adrianfadem
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gosh i have a deviant mind !can i think straight or what!
sheeom i think i could do with the a little of that red colored draught and a bull..right about now...
hahahahah glooooowoorrmmm..!!

join the gang..... im so drowsy.... eyes burnin staring at that UW screen..... looking at papules and macules and rashes that all look the bloody same........!!

oh and WHY IN CHER's NAME does UW only allow you 20 highlights per FRIGGIN QUESTION!!??

what? are they afraid they'll run OUTTA INKKK ??????????



anywayyy.... im around....... keep it real people....
ps. gloworm - "i cant think straight or what?!" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLolol

but YES.
i know what you meant.
i agree.
ohhhh sheeeee sheeeeeeeee??

lololol no but it was a nice rhyme... : )

glad almost everyone is back here........

see ya soonish.......
@gloworm feel free to join the DRAUGHT!!
fascinating to see ya flying ..sparkling in the beautiful sky with diane ..
all right thats it...sheeom is having flight of ideas !
sheeom im afraid u have lost it....quick ,alert traffic control ,sheeomzilla is on the loose....
i repeat be advised ,sheeomzilla is on the loose...
waaaaooooo waaaooooooo


my EYES STILL CONVERGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH my god ............?????W K SYNDROME ..
NO CAN save you GLORIA ?? ,i m coming ,i m coming.....
and dead silence after that ..
rest story tomorrow ,friends ..

poke ...poke...