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Full Version: @ck - adrianfadem
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"I would like to keep my gorgeous head INTACT!!!!"

I betchya would ; )

(um.. chanel isnt here right???? LOLOlolol)

yeahhh ... i know gloworm...!!! man im fighting a lone battle here...
THEN when im in BED with the 'enemy' dont you point your finger at me !!!!

I'm SOOOOoooo.........looking forward to that!!! i.e. seeing you in BED with your 'enemy'!!!!'s so WRONG, and yet it feels so GOOD and so RIGHT!!!

Knock, knock sheeshee, u there??? A-Fib, please look after him, would you? if he shows up at some point.....
"Its so wrong and yet it feels so good and so right...!"

SAVE ME FATHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeahhh i got him.... il take care of him.... : ) dont worry... maybe he's finally sleeping... sweet chap...!

hey all ma peeps ,
big shout out to all of ya...
im going to be a bit busy for the next few days ....
when i come back il totally set up a tent by that pond and live in it....
@psych ur paroxetene answer was awesome ..thanks...
adrian and sheeshee ...mixing business with pleasure keep it down....
@ psych , i know what happened to sheeshee,
sheeshee is under the influence of a high density chemo radio thermo spasm that the miniature sherpa guerka army living in his uw screen gave him....
@glofriends, have fun with whatever you are busy with. We'll keep the fire burning here for you, till you get back!
And yes, I'm totally with you, regarding your Diagnosis about our dear pal sheeshee!!!!
gloworm..! will miss ya! come back sooooon!!!!

cant give you any guarantee as to what ul find here when you're back...!


il be around tho......!
@ANDROID and glowing GYNAECOID ..
best treatment of human bite ??