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Hey Snoozerrrrs.....I mean glofriends and A-fib, I have a doubt that been buggin' me......Do you guys think we need to do Kaplan Q bank for step 2???? I did'nt find it useful for step 1, and it kept me distracted from UW, which I should've revised more....What do ya think??

Just wanted to plan out my study schedule....
hey psychotic....... MORNIN!
u must be snooozin n droooolin .... LOlolol!

re ur kaplan qbank dilemma.... yeah iv thought abt that too..... but after reading what everyone writes after their tests, it really does not come that highly recommended.....
look, the way i see it, knowledge is knowledge, so u cant go WRONG doing it....BUT, the problem is time.... if have a another 2-3 weeks to spare and the cash at hand, do kap... it cant hurt you...

but iv heard it does not represent the exam as well as uw and kap qbank is esp helpfully only if you're a slow reader/got time Mx problems... but content wise, uw is way closer to the real thing....

like iv said somewhere before the thing tht bugs me abt kap is do they have ANY idea of what the COST of things is EVERYWHERE ELSE in the WORLD !!!???!!!
they seem to live in their little kaplan planet..........
"yes! $15 a friggin question.. thats what we think our Qs are worth." LOLolol!

i dont mind paying but not when iv heard its not gonna be worth the dough.......

yes, on that happy bappy note.... let me resume my UW...




around..... but not round.......!

the above wasnt proof read.
i got toothpaste on my laptop.
gotta figure this multi tasking thing out soon.

Thanks A-fib, you're a STAR!!!! Always know how nice it feels when you know someone will respond???? I really, REALLY admire that.

I know it's a tough keeps bugging the moment I just feel it's not worth the dime....time is relative ( you can always find time if you really wanna do something)....and money.....well, you've always got better things to spend it on!!!!!

And don't worry about proof reading....I GET IT!!!!

Now get back to your UW!!!!......your MOST reliable mate......always by your after day ....never gives up on you...till you give up!!!!!

"you can always find time if you really wanna do something"

oh dont we know....! LOL!

funny no matter how 'busy' i am, i always have the time to walk to my fav road-side hole in the wall shop to buy my roths.... LOLllolol....!

its crazy good here.... dont worry abt a thing....! glad u around too : ) : )


I wonder,wonder 'fav road-side hole in the wall shop'!!!! I just wish I knew where you were and what you were up to!!! It's so intriguing..... Of course I wouldn't want you to reveal anything here...... I'm actually amused at how many check out our conversation!!!!!

Going off to bed now........will catch up with you tmrw!!!!

Be a good girl...OK???? ( actually I love being bad:-) and I have feeling so do you!)

read this when u wake then.......

yeah... well i suppose... even i check out other silly threads where im just a spectator.... just to relieve the stress.... llolol!

"Be a good girl...OK???? ( actually I love being bad:-) and I have feeling so do you!)"

HEYYYYYYY!! i thought thats just OUR little secret...... !!!

LOLOlolol!!loloLOLllolol!! loloLOlol!

seee yaaaa when u rise and shine.....................! meanwhile il cover some uw ground...

catch u soon.....!
hey yáll,
@psych dont do kaplan if u aint got the time....start uw as soon as u finish kaplan ln....coz uwis more importnat ,also read mtb....give nbmes for reality checks ,i'd say right after u finish with uw once....
yo!!! glowormmm!

nice to see you kicking again!! : )

u doin all those lovely nbmes..? was thinkin one online rest off.... whatdya think.....?

LA LA LA kaplan is BLAH...!
hey ad.,
i think one online will be just fine ....but i suggest keep one form in reserve the unlikely event that u decide to postpone ur test for like a week or so ...u might want to use it to reassess and make a judgement call....