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Full Version: @ck - adrianfadem
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this LITTLE piggyyyyyyyy IS going to HOLE?? hell? whole??
GO gals ..
HAIRY potter U GOt LOTS OF NITS IN there..u shd use LINDANE as it is more toxic....good for craby like you?? pERMETHRIN is for milder SCIi kee...
MORNIN farm animals..........!!!!!!!!!!

psychotic, study hard girl... put a date on ur uw... gotta finish it quick... its a amazin how quickly we forget things we read only once... :p

gloooo... good to know ur killin it boy!!!

queserasera.... u swimming yet??? ur aways in transit! lol!

chanel.... chanel is stil hung over after our farm partay friends. she will be here shortly! LLOLOL!

jab.... send me ur msgr id... hope its comin along fine...!

ALL THE WAY NOW !!!!!! : ) : ) : )

GM....Folks!!! Welcome to another beautiful, bright, sunny'm guessing it's sunny!

I know the feeling......can't wait to hit your computers, books etc, etc......I feel the same too!!! in the mornings.....and then it just waxes and wanes thru out the day!

It's night, night for me....Keep it going guys.....keep it STRONG!!!!!
hey above mentioned farm members..she is calling you all to clean her POTTTTYYYYY?
pick up truck is ready ...DONT come UP WITH THANGS..
oh its bloody sunny!! a bit too hot here.....

LOLOLOlol!!! i love the 'then it waxes and wanes thu out the day part!! LOLololol.........
i'd say abt 3 hrs into the day....LOL! then u gotta really push urself to read some more till nightfall!! LOL

OH im so glad im NOT the only one!!

thank u thank u thank u psychotic!!!! LOL!

nighty night...... catch u in a few hrs when u rise and shine...!! : )

chow chow!
Hey farmies!! Smile

I'm back for a while..... was so hungover from the party!! That's exactly what happens when you take shots in quick succession for the second time in your life..! Big Grin Lol...

Ok.. for serious psychotic & Adrian, I loved biochem & genetics.. heehee .. Big Grin got a star to prove that on my step 1..

I guess step 2 is alright until u reach cardio & infectious diseases.. which I'm keeping for the end of my study ..hate HATE those two!! Didnt realize during my step 1 prep that micro would come back to haunt me!!! Sad sigh....

These kaplan LNs.. god..someone save me from them.. it's like I get lost in a page & move to the outer space...! Anyone recommends skipping them? Big Grin lol.. I wish!!

Guess UW is fine till you've read the kaplan notes..atleast makes some sense then.. but it's actually the notes that are haunting me for the time being.. hate reading 'em.. Sad Any tips anyone??

@ jobberwocky & gloworm & queserasera.. hope you are doing well folks..

@ all... I got another party to go to tomorrow.. anyone wana crash this one too? Big Grin

Till that happens..happy studying guys!!
"got a star to prove that on my step 1.. "

yeeeeeaaaaaahhh....... psychotic and i are officially scared of you.

LOlololo..... awwwwww jus kiddin chaneeeel.........!

"take shots in quick succession for the second time in your life"
SECOND time???????? ok u need more partays!!!!!!!
OFFICIAL FARM RULES for chanel from now on!!!!! LOOLOL!

ermmmm i skipped kaplan... LOL! serious. did some vids is all.... what can i say..
maybe i was high when i made that particular decision....... cant recall now. LOLOL!

hmm.... kap is a biotch but app it really helps so do em... at least med fr sure is what i hear..

my advice? do uw... regardless... and dont do uw along with kap. do uw first and then kap... so u know wht to focus on... and then uw again. is what id suggest.... but lets see ul get ur guidance from within soon....

naaaaaaaahhhhhhhh aw man! if you KNOW we are crashing thats not crashing is ittt??????
dern it!!!! LOL! hav fun..... iv allowed myself just one date in May...... will havta wait till then now.....!

righto! catch ya farm animals soon.......! : )

@Afib: yahoo ID is rakhi_shai...n here's the quote for today
" A Goal is a Dream with a Deadline".....Hope all ur dreams get fulfilled on time....
I am just so stuck up with finishing Kaplan notes asap that all my plans of doing UW gets postponed...

Study hard y'all and keep the fun rolling......
take care
ciao soon with nother quote.........