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Full Version: sp for ck in jan/feb - ckinjan
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how are you all??
my plan today is GIT from kaplan and MTB,then hematology from kaplan and MTB too.
tomorrow i plan on reading cardio and infectious diseases,both from kaplan amd MTB.I'll read emergency medicine if i'm able to finish haem earlier today,if not,then tomorrow.
I wish you all goodluck.........
@hint..have a look at
@viv26 : Thanks a lot. This is short and sweet! So .. you had a big aim for today ... how far are you? So far I have done 4 blocks of UW in mixed and timed mode. .. still surviving!
@hint- thanks for the appreciation :-) actually mtb2 is a good book for im ..nd you are right, its never too late.. So you are doing 8 blocks today? I wish I could do that..

@viv-good studying..

@ckinjan-how is ur study going?

my report- finished pedi from uw, started mtb but didn't like it that much so decided to read kap, but its taking so long.. I feel like I'm stuck with pedi :-(
I am still running fever on and off.. so could not sit that long. I had aimed for 6 blocks today but I could finish only 5. My time has started clicking.. only one week to go .. .. I am getting scared (even more than what I was for step1) ....

@sal10 : At the end of your Prep before you go for exam .. or before your UW subscription ends you should practice 8 blocks a day at least once... helps to build up the stamina for the real exam..
Did you (or anyone) find answers to my questions while reading Peds?

hello all,
@viv how you are managing 2 chapters from 2 books??thats really good,im trying to do same i did endo from KLN with mtb today still trying to do nephro tomorrows plan is id and rheuma.
@sal i pedia is really dense in KlN but i feel mtb dnt cover all topics.
@hint,even i feel scared when i think hint is going for exam in a week,lolz,well you are in good shape and you will great IA,just keep revising ur stuff.
good luck my friends.
@ckinjan..i know how difficult it seems,buti'm actually maximizing my mums visit before she leaves.I read all day,and wake up at night too,just to cover up.
@hint.hope you feel better.
study hard all.we're almost there
Hello all....

@ckinjan: do you think I am rushing in the exam? (even so I have no choice... Yesterday was the last day when I gave a second thought about changing the date .. but no more going back and forth) ..

@viv26: Thanks... I am trying my best to feel better Smile .. It took me 2 weeks to get the permit .. so don't loose patience ... Use your time (Mom's blessing visit) to the fullest and try to finish this ...

happy studying ..
@hint-hope you are feeling better.
I searched ur 2 qs.. For #clavicle- no treatment necessary. It will heel its own....
About pertussis - actually I didn't find any clear answer anywhere, the point is its better to treat earlier stage,according to CDC -treat within 3 wks of onset of cough in >1 yr, and in
sorry something went wrong, my post was incmplete!
