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please count me in, i am from examusmle thread, had so many breaks, & all my friends left one by one, & those who are left in there are about to be done with the exam soon too.
so this thread would be nice for me to be in , keeping myself focused & do the studies properly.

m done with MTB 2, two & half times & UW one time, cumulative score was 60,
then took nbme4 & did horrible on that. then spoke to examusmle & she recommended Kaplan, that's such a tough thing to start with. but i believe that examusmle is such a sincere friend & had already nailed the exam so well, mashAllah. so these days m studying mtb3 & once this is done, i will start Kaplan, i started studying after almost two weeks breakd, taking time to pick up.

m glad that CKINJAN took an initiative & this thread is working well. i am planned to take the exam as soon as i score above 230 in any nbme , which seems so much difficult & far. :-)

need ur support friends !!! circumstances are not that conducive , but seeing u all working hard is such a great motivation. i wish the best to all of u.

good luck & happy studying. i will post my report tomorrow morning. for now 50pages of mtb3 & that's it. plz give me ur feedback, if it's slow, coz there were times before my nbme4 when i was doing almost 100pages of mtb2 & 1 block UW. but dont know why so slow now.
lets motivate each other friends. may we be blessed & hit the exam well !!!
happy studying !!!
sorry mtb2,,, one & half times :-)
@seemi-you are welcome to join.. I remember you from examusmle's thread..I also joined that thread when they just started,but then I had to quit for some terrible personal situations.. After long break I started again... I hope you also wiil be able to finish , like rest of ur friend.. Don't worry about your slowness,,its quiet normal in this long hard journey like usmle.. I think all of us had gone through the same situation,,, just go with ur speed whether it fast or slow.. Inshallah u'll be fine..
@ sal10: what system did you start? How is the speed?

@Seemi: Don't get depressed ... We have to keep hitting hard, till we break the exam..

My report: Not in very high morals. Almost finished with Surgery questions. Speed is not up to my expectations.. Mainly because my eyes get tired by constantly looking at computer and reading from the screen.. Hope I will be done with first round of UW soon. The timeline is 12 days .. Lets see ...

All the best people ... Study hard !
Which subjects are you all doing in MTB 2? and which subjects in MTB 3? Thanks and GL studying
@ Sweet_tea: I will avoid indulgence in that discussion or advise. I researched this forum a lot for that .. There is not consistent answer... then I decided that I will go to MTB 2 for IM, preventive medicine, radiology, and emergency medicine. Rest form MTB 3. then after doing UW. I came to know that somethings are nice in MTB 2 and some in MTB3... for same system (e.g. Hepatology)... and both the books (even together) are not enough..

Let me know if you decide anything
Thanks hint... I see what you mean... I've been searching older post too and you're right, everyone seems to have their own "formula". Ok, so for now I am going to continue with Kaplan LN, I will work on MTB 2 and try to be complete with it. I am also considering Yale-G, but not sure yet, time is flying by and trying to make the best of it right now. Thanks for your input.
@Sweet_tea: you are welcome.. Let me know how is Yale-G. I am thinking of FA too. It has some different topics covered.

@Seemi, Sal10: How is it going?

My report: As I said yesterday, I finished Surgery questions. then I did some questions from Psychiatry. I wanted to keep it light for Sunday. Now I am back on Medicine again. I will be starting questions for Hemat ..

The days are boring and the studies are frustrating but we have to keep our spirits high. We have to keep working hard. Just think about the day when we will be done with good numbers!
hi friends,
finally finished peds from mtb3, that's almost 54 paged only, & past 3 days m just doing that,
i will try to pick up some pace now onwards, inshAllah. it's hard to do 50 pages a day. plz guys update ur report, like how many pages or questions/day z the target. i sometime get lost & at the end of the day realize that day z over :-(

i hope i find someone on this thread who i can schedule my studies with, like examusmle & grad1980 did. they were doing 60pages from Kaplan/day. & i think that was kind of healthy competition & believe that kept them going.

anyways !!!! well thanks hint, lets keep this thread working till we are done with the exam.
sal10 & sweet_tea lets do it !!!
hi friends,
i feel am going very very slow, now started with syrgery n along with videos, plan is to finish it by 15th dec. i didnt start uw yet, planning to start it in few days n take for 3mths, so that i will have time to even revise.
but smedays r very low n boring... dnt knw hw to cope up.. will update my progress.