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Full Version: General Surgery thread - nothing official about it - csverysoon
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i thought it is for categorical,but it appeared to be preliminary when i called her
really annoyed
i wanted some categorical interviews in some university programs
they only have 2 days for interviews
anyway what do u think about the program
got no idea as i didnt apply there.
is there anyone looking for sharing room on 26 to 28th in NY?
hi CS

when will you be in ny. i might need a room for 27th
and did you finish bronx lebanon
do u think we will have more ivs coming?

has any1 applied to wayne state uni.? i did but i havent even recieved a rej or iv

any1 in the same position
i believe noone recieved anything from them
guys have an interview next week in brooklyn hospital center
any information about it
sorry for replying so late. i am staying in new york from 26th to 28th november. will be happy to share room with you if you wish. is there any mail or number where i can contact you. you can give me your number at my e-mail that is javy2299
lets see if we can catch up with each other. i am coming there for bronx and maimonides. hope that answers your questions.
i too applied at wayne but no corresspondence yet.
Hi csverysoon
i am also having surgery interview at Maimonides on 28th. This is going to be my first interview. I have heard that interview process is whole day, but the email i received from Maimonides says a specific time rather than day. Any info please. Thank you.
All the very best for the interview.
i too have interview at a specific time as its only for preliminary. probably that may be the case with you too. usually they mention that in the invitation they send. anyhow all the best. if you dont mind can i ask you about your stay as i am still looking for a good place?