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Full Version: General Surgery thread - nothing official about it - csverysoon
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do u think they will offer a prematch in the second look
it didnot happen in the program that will invite me
so do u think i can ask them for a prematch,and how can i ask them for that
hay CS,

i had a crazy semester ending. now i have a break for 4 weeks which is fully devoted for interviews.

for second look, just go there. it will always do good. than you can ask about how program perceives your standing among the other interviewees. and if it's positive than tell them you are truly interest in the program and will be happy to have an out of match agreement. you can do the same in thank you letter in a decent way. GL and i hope you get the position.

at the oustset figure out whether the program gives prematch. you can do this my asking your friends or sometimes even the coordinator. next show ample interest when you are interviewing. you can follow this up with a slight mention about prematch in the thanking letter. i dont think asking outrightly is good. i am sure there would be different views on this topic too but that is my take.
thanks for the suggestions man.
rejection from university of kentucky
st raphial CT replied to my emial regarding the application status that they are currently reviewing applications
i am thinking of calling all the programs that have not replied to me yet. any say?
just received rejection from marshfield clinic
sorry to hear that muzammil
wanted to know when do u write the thank u mail?
is it an e mail? or hand written (and given to the interviewee on the same day?
whom do u address it to? or do u mail all those who interviewed u?